Work In Progress Arena PvP Changes on the Test Server

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    We wouldn't have that issue if Role specific gear is brought back soon. This update is just the base of the cake.
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  2. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

  3. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

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  4. TigerLord Active Player

    Cool stuff to read here
  5. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    Thank you again mepps your doing the right thing.
  6. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    Whats that got to do with pvp? was that something they removed? I never seen it.
  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Rock, Paper, Scissors is the term for when we had the system of:

    Tank beats Troller.
    Troller beats Healer.
    Healer beats Tank.

    It made combat a bit more diverse in all honesty. I'm rather neutral on the subject but it did create some unique 5v5 battles in the past. You could alter your group make-up to try and combat the opposing team.

    Just so it is clear. It wasn't like an "auto-win" or something like that but it did make 1v1'ing a player of your opposing class much more difficult. However, it is worth noting the Developers straight up said multiple times back then that DCUO was not balanced around 1v1.

    If remember correctly the buffs you got were:

    65% damage increase while you were fighting your opposing class.
    Any offensive powers from a Tank would strip PoT from a Controller.
    Any offensive powers from a Healer would debuff a Tank.
    Any offensive powers from a Troller would remove HoT's from a Healer.
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  8. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    No ice Shields was the first broken op power, i never want to see ice tanks spamming 100% Shields again.
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  9. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Omg I'm excited!
  10. Dibrie Committed Player

    Sup Alan. compounds don't stack with each other ^^
  11. Dibrie Committed Player

    Sweet this info can keep me calm and quiet for the next 6 months , so happy still.

    good game DBG,

    Greets Dibrie
  12. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I think it was 45%, called the confidence buff.
    Almost all offensive powers from a tank would strip pot from trolls
    Any offensive power from a healer DID debuff tanks
    Any offensive power by a troll would debuff the healers heals by 25%, then an additional amount, I think 50%, if they used a heal debuff.75% total, I think... It was so long ago :(

    I will try to get as much testing in as possible, if anyone needs an experienced arena player, let me know.

    Can't wait to see where this ends up! Happy to see the development team take the first correct step at bringing back pvp.
    • Like x 6
  13. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    Although I am fully restricted to USPS at this time, I am overjoyed to see these changes. In my opinion, this was the best place to start with rebalancing PVP. This very could be the beginning of the end of the "one-shot era"! I will patiently wait however long it takes for these changes to be applied to USPS.

    You have my respect developers, and thank you.
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  14. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Yeah I miss my super cryofoam healer debuff :(
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Wow, very impressed Mepps. Thanks for the action in terms of PVP and thank the devs for me as well.

    This sounds like a great course of action and I'm glad you're going to tweak it well before making it live. It's just very relieving to finally see some degree of action being taken on a primary aspect of PVP.

    I'll definitely try to hop on test at some stage and give you some feedback. Thanks again. :)
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  16. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't say that this is an exploit, as this exact issue happens to me occasionally on USPS. I think, but I could be wrong, that this is the invisibility bug, where they can't see your character but they can damage you. Their character's body doesn't move, and you can only deal damage to them by hitting their unmoving body when they are actually near you. I'm not sure, maybe these issues are separate.
  17. Talve Dedicated Player

    It was role dependent.
    Confidence buff for healers was 70% (damage penalty as a healer 35%).
    Controllers buff for controllers was 35% (no damage penalty).
    Damage buff for tanks was 55% (damage penalty as a tank 20%).

    So everyone were buffed to 135% damage (buff - penalty) being on par with minimum damage boost for DPS.

    Controller's healing debuff cut targets restoration in half and added a passive -25% healing received debuff (essentially healing yourself for less than your teammates). So it wasn't really 75%. First your restoration was cut, and then from the remaining value portion was cut.

    Can't 100% remember how exactly debuffs from controllers offensive powers worked. Did test it but i did not keep notes back then.
    If i had to take a guess, i think the restoration cut was the same (50%) and it did not stack with healing debuff.
    So any offensive power cut resto in half while healing debuffs applied additional -25% healing received debuff.
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  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    What about Flip Slash?
  19. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    This needs to be looked at.
  20. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    What about Hard Light...
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