A sad ending for Throne

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by undrline, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    What's sad is you obviously don't even understand the game. Dom doesn't = aggro. Nor does it mean you can "pull adds" because of it. On that note. It's called progression. We work hard for our gear. It's only right that we can go back and obliterate old content. I don't know about you. I shouldn't at this point need a group to go in to Khandaq if I so choose.
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  2. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    On that note, it's a failure to balance an MMO if the server will be required to support instance generation of larger group content (much more resource heavy) for a single player. If the amount of geared players well beyond the T2 range could suddenly queue up hundreds of raid level instances, the impact on the servers would be felt. I'm not saying they would buckle, but the financial aspect of keeping up with higher stress may not be something DGC will be wanting to go through with. Otherwise, if the devs intend for players to be able to solo previous content, they need to get rid of the instances where you have to have 3 people hitting switches so you can unlock a door. Kahn and Outer both still have those roadblocks.
  3. Veritech Loyal Player

    Did I just read a "didn't have enough dom to aggro" thread?

    And if you and 2 group members in tank stance, then you had 2 tanks. Irrespective of what gear they are wearing.
  4. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    What if you're in tank stance with a troll/healer powerset? ;)
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    You still had two tanks. You still needed both in tank stance. Does it make you a good tank? No. But you are a tank power.
  6. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    As I've mentioned more than once on the forums, I'm in favor of stat clamping queued instances, and having the option for stat flattened, CR protected, walk-in instances.

    But really, that wasn't the point of this thread. It isn't so much about being overgeared, or the other guy's dps gear, or him being in tank stance or whatever. I think I'm having trouble explaining it; people haven't really understood me. The point was a nostalgic look at Throne, in particular, which necessitated two tanks for so long. It's not quite analogous, but I'd be sad if Khandaq only needed one person to turn the cogs one day. It'd no longer be "that raid that can't truly be solo'd," and mark the end of an era.
  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    Lol, there's no "recent debate". MMO's are about progression. That's the core mechanic that makes them work. End of story.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    what did you expect?

    surely you didnt think thrones was going to be hard at CR146+ did you? or even call for 2 tanks. Yea I and many others run 2 tanks still but you can bet your sweet *** if an extra role becomes to hard to find I'll get someone to do as the guy in your orig post did. I wont stand around for hours LFGing for 1 damn role. I dont care how important roles think they are they can be replaced with 10-20$
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    what era? the BS era that they simply dont wanna take the time to adjust that part of that raid so it can be solo'd by higher tiered ppl who dont wanna spend days trying to get a 4man group for it.

    and it can be solo'd already up til that point.
  10. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I never said anything about dom affecting aggro. I said he didn't have enough dom to literally pull the Essence. You do need the suggested dominance to be able to pull effectively.
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    It still needs two tanks. Which is something you don't quite understand or purposely avoiding to acknowledge to prove your point. The Essence can only be killed if left alone and attacked by a tank. You can't hurt Ares until the essence is dead. Splitting is required. You don't even need enough dom to pull the essence, a single taunt and patience would suffice. No matter how you try to spin it, you had a dps that was a tank power fill that spot. If you said you had the main tank go off on it's own to fight the essence and used things like sidekicks, controllers, and sorcery guardians to do adds and ares, I'd believe you, but that would require a specific powerset and roles stacking that defeats the purpose of your topic.

    In the end, you still had two tanks.

    Edit: If you want an example of an "end of an era" for tanks, back when Nexus was being run, the first week and a half, players were running two tanks. Then a player on the forums mentioned how to do the split part with one tank. THAT marked an end of an era. It also showed the devs how players can work around mechanics they make. Which is why they added the healing of the essence if it gets hit by anything but a tank.
  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Me keeping my distance and pulling the Essence into the corner with Lasso would have sufficed with this group, and he could have stayed dps. Even though (you're correct) that's not what happened, it proved to me that it can be done with one tank now (probably could have been for a while, though I haven't been playing it). I wasn't avoiding mentioning it. The story wasn't meant to be a shining example ... it's just the incident that prompted me to post.

    People are getting too hung up on the story and the gear. In retrospect, I should've left that out and just said something like "Throne had a good run of needing two tanks longer than most raids. Sad to see this one go; at least we still have Happiness Home for a while."
  13. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Not true. When I initially started the game around A&B I was Carried by friends I had met on there. Now I'm qualified in any role and play all frequently any content anytime. It's up to the player to improve themselves to learn more about their power. It's not the rest of DCUO to show them. People can ask for help. That's what shout is for. Usually though, I'm hesitant to help someone trying to learn something if they are not willing to hop on the mic. I don't like explaining everything on the game by keyboard. Just get in chat. I'll help you out.
  14. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Dude since we hit 126 we've been running 1 tank. We have 1 tank on essence. I or someone else will agro Ares. When he's near the back we'll pop accomplice that'll entertain him enough for one essence to die. After essence is dead that tank will go dps to make sure Ares doesn't get back up. Your post should say By Throne I got Death Proof finally. :)
  15. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    The only solutions i could see for this is stat clamping-which alot want until it comes and then we many will cry for it to be gone. leave it as it many are complaining now or stat increase where the bosses stats increase to match the highest CR lol and I know people will cry about that one. So in the end be happy with what you got because it could be worst and there will be someone who will cry enough to where something will be changed for the good or bad of the game in most cases its kinda been badish.
  16. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I'd like to point out that a full group at level, i.e. no one overgeared will likely still have a difficult time with Throne. Heck, I've Qd up just for kicks and get into a group that has no idea about Essence needing it's own corner to go down, etc. I successfully explained how to do it once so we could finish it. The other two times, I got no takers on my experience and group fell apart. This was within the last 4-5 weeks.

    But I understand what the op is saying since Throne was/is a great raid in all aspects IMO.
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  17. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Thank God this option does not exist and God willing will never exist!:rolleyes:
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