Super powerful geared players causing issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SHEPHERD, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. ACE FREHLEY Well-Known Player

    Sir, you deserve a round of applause!
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  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    We have stat clamping in seasonal content and the community coplained. GU47 previously made it to where a tier 1 raid add could kill a fully geared Tier 6 player in a few hits and the community complained. The O.P. wants the developers to reimplement stat clamping in all content which in turn would cause people to complain and or leave the game entirely because of one duo he ran with an over geared player.

    Well I have news for you because of RNG the over geared player has to run old content to complete style feats. Not every style is in the rare style vendor and in some cases such styles are in weekly reward boxes or role exclusive drops. While I can understand your point to a degree. You could spend a year running the same content and not get the drop you need to finish a 25-50point feat. So why make us suffer further tedium because you only desire to PUG duos?

    How about running it with friends or league mates at Tier instead?
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  3. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    First of all I AM currently leveling a brand new Atomic and later tonight will hit 30 level. Frankly after 30 level I do NOT have an issue when on the RARE occasion a higher CR shows up and an alert or raid goes fast and easy. Its my 12th alt and there is literally nothing left in game I have not done at least a few times if not DOZENS to get the right amount of armor drops and marks to get to the next tier. the game is a grind, like just about every other MMO in existence so when I am CR 88 and running a Knights Dome Duo you want to join me with your CR 147 DPS and destroy everything that moves .. PLEASE be my guest.

    This whole nonsense with stat clamping began with a few players whining about the big bad high CR player ruining their game experience.. Gee I lost track of how many times I did Strykers, Arkham or Assassins's before I moved on to the next tier.. So on ONE of those maybe I got LUCKY and had someone along that blasted everything that moved with one shot from a hand blaster... I have plenty of other joyous long hard tedious trips through to relish the experience. Back when I was leveling my Cr 130 Rage Tank/DPS I joined a Strykers thru the Q. I was at CR 61 and we had two CR 69s and I forget what the other guy was but there wasn't a troll or healer in that mix. TWO HOURS later and after a CR 97 joined the alert we finally defeated Grodd and my CR 61 had out damaged both those CR 69s. At that point I'd have kissed that CR 97 if I could have for ending my torment.

    THERE is no such animal as irrelevant content in this game.. check my other post in this thread. I have High CR alts still working on lower tier feats . WAs I power Leveled? No Did I use a big pile of Replays to do raids again and again for better armor drops and marks? NO The DEVS have the system set now to where almost anyone can quickly go from CR 30 to CR 100 and between CR 70 and 100 you can do it without even spending marks to get armor if you KNOW what your doing. If I have a CR 130 alt that still hasn't been given the 10th of ten daily missions at Ace and Strykers to complete that feat how is THAT content irrelevant to me? Same exact alt.. If I still need to complete 15 daily missions in the Wastelands three times so I can complete the wasteland duos enough times with the EXTRA brothers added to defeat james, jack or Julius 8 more time how is THAT irrelevant content to me? Want me to go on? Same alt.. has defeated 2 of the 4 bounties in Gotham under siege. To complete the feat I need to complete 10 daily missions there at the very least two more times and that's IF I don't get assigned a villain I already defeated. And that was just to complete the feat on the bounty.. Those also drop a unique set of armor so I really need to defeat 6 more villains to complete THAT feat.

    Now lets talk the only reason I bothered to respond to your post to begin with....

    You as much as admit that without higher CR players wanting to do lower Tier content for styles , feats or whatever its gotten a lot harder for those lower tier would be waiting a LONG time to actually get into those missions. Yeah I totally agree.. When I was working my 130 Rage Tank up I qued for the Gates raid one day. Ran daily missions, did some crafting, went out and did an exobit run.. after over an hour I finally gave up and logged off because I had other things to do and not even once did I come close to getting into what used to be a very popular raid.

    Now If I am down "slumming" at a lower tier to grab a feat I still need and want with a CR 130 or whatever. You tell me exactly why I should be punished and lose a huge amount of the CR I worked to obtain? I'm already not getting marks I need to actually buy armor I can use to improve my combat rating.. Heck I may open my lovely parting gift (the Alt. reward box) and discover for all my trouble I got a prestige token worth 100 prestige. Now don't get me wrong I help run a league so I don't mind getting those but aside from maybe helping pay for a league buff that so called reward didn't help MY character at all. And please god tell me those do not drop if your NOT in a league but I have the feeling they probably do. IF I am right and a player isn't even in a league what the heck good did a prestige token do HIM? He just did that whole duo, alert or raid for nothing.. and on top of that you want to clamp his stats and force him to go through the thing like he WAS a CR 71 or whatever?

    Right now the only thing in game using stat clamping are the holiday events.. well guess what? Thanks to that I no longer do holiday event missions.. I'll do the outside stuff where I get to BE a CR 141 TROLL/138 DPS (my main) but I am not dropping back over 100 combat ratings to battle Klarion or Swamp Thing. And I know for a fact I am not alone.

    You walk into a duo and find my highly over powered CR 130 DPS as a partner and don't like it.. there is the door don't let it hit you in the butt on the way out. Cause I can solo this thing fact for the amount of damage you'll do .. I practically am anyway. But again just Like I mentioned in my other post here.. Do not turn around at CR 113 and show up in the Flash Museum and expect ME to carry you.. At that point I WILL (and have) been the one to turn and walk out. Door swings BOTH ways.. make up your mind WANT my help or not?
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  4. ACE FREHLEY Well-Known Player

    Sir, you are making too much sense.
    I tip my hat!
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  5. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Wait a minute!!!
    Why are you complaining?
    1. You got through the duo right.
    2. You got your marks.
    3. You were done quickly and off to other duos.
    4. If you wanted a challenge you can just walk in and solo it.
    5. If it was not for the OP players you may have been waiting longer to Que up.

    SO why are you complaining again? I for one would NEVER run older content if I was stat clamped again I only run it for feats now and I want to be done with it as soon as possible. Than again I solo a lot of my duo by just walking in.
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  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because he wants to run the content as a participant rather than a spectator? Maybe give the new blood a chance to learn how the game works before they get to end game and get kicked for not knowing how to play their role(Because it wasn't until end game that they actually got to participate as more than a spectator?)

    This issue boils down to the following problems:
    1.Allowing newbies to contribute in all content they run. (The problem is that McKillers keep killing stuff too fast, this could be solved with a clamp but then we run into problem 2.
    2.Keeping the Queues populated enough for newbies and vets to actually run the content in a timely manner.(The anti-clamping crowed refuses to run content if it gets clamped, which just makes problem 2 worse for everyone that still wants to run the lower end content. setting off a vicious cycle of people leaving because the queues are a ghost town, and the ghost town of lower tier content getting emptier from a combination of people either progressing past it or quitting the game before they do.)

    So the trick is how do we keep the McKiller from destroying content without driving them out of said content... Any ideas?
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  7. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Let me buy my feats for older content that I flew past instead of grinding away at it and upsetting the lower tier crowed.

    I can only speak from my experience I for one like making an alt and having my OP league mates progress me tune up quickly.
    I have also be asked to go into FOS1, 2, 3 to destroy everything because the current group needs help and being OP allows me to be a true superhero and bail the weak ones out.
  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Maybe I should rephrase that... "The trick is to keep you coming back to the lower content without you destroying it for those who are there for the fist time ever." Oh and you can buy feats for your alts already... (Provided that you've unlocked them on at least one of your other characters, thus to avoid becoming pay to win.)
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    you know what take your stat clamping advocacy outta here.

    You randomly queued for content and got paired with someone who was over powered, that's the risk you run, you could just have easily been paired with someone super weak and ending up having to carry them.

    This game doesn't need to be changed, what needs to change is the attitude of people like you who seem to think people aren't entitled to getting the "reward" for their effort in that they can later go back and stomp content they previously found a challenge.

    If you don't want content to be destroyed then take some initiative and form a group yourself with people in your own tier. stop making excuses and blaming others, including the devs because you're too lazy to make an effort to form a group and instead you'd rather just blind queue and then complain about who you get paired with.
  10. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    No, that's actually short sighted. I went into the Mannheim level 20-something-thingie to help someone out and of course one shotted Mannheim. Sadly, this kept Deathstroke from spawining inside the locked area and thus no one was able to "talk to Deathstroke" and actually finish the mission. On top, the area remained locked and we needed to warp out.

    Something similar can happen in the FOS raids or the endfight of Trigons prison. If you take out Wonder Woman too fast, the game misses the point of damage at which a mechanic should kick in, leaving Wonder Woman invulnerabel and in an endless fight unless you die on purpose and have it reset. Basically same thing in FOS with some of the Brainiac mini bosses on the way in (the points when there should be adds beginning to spawn etc). The mechanics miss their points to start, the NPC is kept in a state where no further damage is allowed.

    I do not say remove the overkill damage. I say devs need to realize that sort of problem and actually add security checks in those boss fights to ensure everything mission related is spawning for sure and bosses don't get stuck in "god mode". Of course, compared to bugging FOS, Trigon's Prison, Mannheim the OP was lucky enough that everything mission relevant spawned and the duo did not bug out. This "feature" needs to be added to other content as well, then there is no problem ;)
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  11. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    It's not intentional. The basic system a lot of players expect from an MMO is content to become easier with them getting geared their toons up. So allowing all the SUSF2Turbos to fast run content is allowing them to get the feats they missed because they were actually unable to get it while at level (yes, I just called them bad players basically). This expectation however is linked in the roots of MMO mechanics; MMOs attract lots of players that do not want to improve themselves, but their toons instead so the gear may carry them (and then complain about other players being carried).

    Now, the Nightmare feat is on of the feats where "fast" doesn't help you at all :D However, that was a very nice gesture as sitting out the complete fear meter is actually adding MINUTES and not just seconds to the run, and usually a lot of players around here just want their stuff done as fast as possible.

    The paradox situation is: these high gear players do want to do their content fast, but they also usually don't like the idea of other players being carried in the process - which is what they do when burning through it. That's why people keep asking for more walk-ins so they can solo it. I say: more walk-ins don't do anything. Arkham is a walk-in, yet you got 2 of them via Q'ing. The OP faced one of them in the Knightsdome duo - that one is a walk-in as well, still the guy used the Q. So adding more walk-ins is pointless when the existing ones aren't used at all. Point is: people are too lazy to actually move their toon to the entry point of the walk-in. What we need is not more walk-ins, but first of all a teleporter mod that allows to walk-in into "everything" from your base teleporter (of course, that needs a teleporter revamp in total, as this would currently not allow 2 players to walk into an alert or raid unless both of them had that teleporter mod installed....)

    But: about 3 weeks after those mods are common, a large group of bad players would come here and ask for a way to get higher geared players back into the Qs as the content is sooooooooo difficult and they need them to do the feats (mainly, to get carried). We already had that at the start of the "relevant content" approach when there were no rewards for overgeared players in lower content....
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  12. SHEPHERD Active Player

    Sorry, Proxy, but you have a history as being a rude punk on the forums, throwing a lot of smoke and being very, very loud when you can't come up with actual pro-balance arguments that are capable of setting aside the me-me-me-me-me perspective and think of what's best for the game as it does, and will continue, to face competition doing bigger and better things. What you're wanting is for people to give up on the game so you can hold onto your extremely shallow and self serving experience for the remaining year or so before it's shut down.

    This issue isn't going anywhere, and threads on the subject have only been appearing with more and more frequency. The devs are aware of it, for sure, by now, and their inability to actually comment on it means they are seriously on the fence, because they know something about the expected health of the game and are being very tight lipped about the last few choices they make before time is out.

    In the meantime, there are ways to exacerbate the issue and keep it on the spotlight, through multiple fronts.
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  13. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    That's one way to put it. However, one could also say you lost out on 3 drops and 4 marks because:

    You chose to solo the bounty despite the other group members proceeding
    You didn't notice or didn't care that your group members' dots disappeared from the radar when they left metro
    You were playing with other players that you don't know or don't trust, and expected them to listen to you
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  14. WingedMedic Level 30

    I can't believe what I'm reading, do you realize without the random supergeared person some of these things would be impossible. With population being as low as it is. You should say thank you to whoever helped you. But yet you are ******** about him helping. It's disgusting you should be grateful.
  15. Dibrie Committed Player

    Stat Clamping not is needed ,just a tier lock of 2 tiers, and if you wanna go back 2 tiers below for anything, like styles feats or OP superior complex all cool, but get a group sorted and q in.

    Simple easy and effective.

    Greetz Dibirie
  16. Dibrie Committed Player

    The OP has a stated an issue what is clearly a big problem over about 2 years

    Sorry for my rudeness sir but this some biased BS and this kind of thinking is also a big problem of DC, which i'm stating.
    What a brick wall of nonesens
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  17. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    That is actually more complicated than adding walk-ins for really everything. In your scenario, the Q needs a function that can properly sort out when to apply the tier lock and when not to (as you use the same portal to get into content in your scenario way). And we are talking about a game that ignores options widely; I have been placed into in progress instances last event multiple despite having disabled that in options. Getting into an instance with overgeared players despite a tier lock as you described would just mulitply the outcry on the forums :D
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  18. Sickiac Active Player

    Make an option to only be Q'd up with players at that specific contents tier and your problem is gone. If you can make a group role specific option like you have for free roles, then you can do it for this, and all this unnecessary complaining can stop. If you wanna learn the game, do solo's you also have a really good chance to learn the basics of your power while leveling up... no there is no excuse to not at least knowing the basics of your power once you've reached tier 2 and they have dumbed the game down so much at this point, especially from a dps standpoint that you should at the very least know how your own power's dps works.

    I can see a case being made for making alerts/raids have an OPTIONAL queue for tier specific players only, cause that way you learn new mechanics that you're not introduced to in the game up until that point.

    Here however is the REAL problem with players: They get carried from the start of their play, they call out for OP help in shout, in LFG, by friends so that they DON'T have to do much, so they can progress to the later stages ASAP without having ANY general knowledge of the game, their power or how anything at all works in general.. these same players continue doing this until they have been carried till T7 when they can no longer be carried anymore and all they know how to do is BASIC weapon attacks, which ANYBODY that knows the game knows is completely and utterly useless at T7. What they also do is melee everything, and complain on role players (mainly tank and healer) for not doing their job and keeping them alive, this obviously creates a lot of unnecessary problems.

    If you're at all interested in the game from start you have a passion for learning the tips and tricks for your power and how the game works in general so you can find out how things work yourself and be generally excited for the game. At the end of the day, you decide your own progression and what you WANT to learn.
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  19. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I can 1 shot it with home turf & my pets
    With sorcy & earth pets went I'm in full 102 gear
  20. Roomba Dedicated Player

    It's not short-sighted. Your dilemma is a separate issue entirely, as you admit in your final paragraph.

    Also I recently (two days ago) ran my friend's alt through Mainheim, one shotted everything and had no issues with DS. Bad luck to you I guess.