Atomic is cool...but...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Chiemara, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    Where is the Kryptonian powerset?

    I was disappointed the day I got this game on release day, and it has been 4 almost 5 years and still can't make a true Kryptonian (Invuln / Super Strength) tank...
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    How is kryptonIan a power. It's a race
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Defund will be their answer to a super strength tank .. It will probably also cover their "growth" power set think bane and the hulk

    I doubt we ever get a "kryptonian" power set

    We are humans in the game with exabyte powers

    serums will be the go too set for something like that

    You can always after shock tank with earth it really filled the void for next when trying to make a tank power that didn't have weird crap all around me ... The only thing I gad that ruined it in my load out was gem stone shield otherwise my load out def made me get that super strength power set look that I wanted
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  4. Ghostof91 New Player

    I use Earth, Flight's swoop, iconic moves Frost breath and Heat vision works like a charm.:D
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  5. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    There is actually a legitimate way to DPS and Tank with Earth and have it look extremely similar and be really effective for hard content.


    Jackhammer, Heat Vision, Freezing Breath, Localized Tremor, Low Pressure into Swoop combo, Unstoppable

    Use swooping combos mod, channelling mod, Fortified blocking, and whatever else


    Fortify Golem, Crystal, Vacuum Bubble, Localized Tremor, Heat Vision, Freezing Breath

    You can use Brawlers (not specced into WM) and combo into Haymaker and combo into other holds. You clip Haymaker and the other holds with Tremor, HV, or FB. And keep Crystal powered.
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  6. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I'd get behind a true Kryptonian powerset. There's one on the forums somewhere that a user made, and it's awesome.

    Using a couple of iconic and movement powers is just not the same.
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  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    But how is a race a powerset
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  8. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Semantics, but I'll bite. What else would you call a powerset based on them ?

    That race has specific powers and advanced technology.
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  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    None comes to mind bUT it wouldn't be named after the race. A current powers are something humans can obtain.

    Now if your talking about super strong for a power. I can understand that
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  10. Ghostof91 New Player

    Lets be honest Kryptonians are just a race of aliens that have powers that most heroes and villains can have which is enduramce, superstrength and the temperature beams, there's just not much to constitute a whole powerset on them, maybe what you guys need is a revamp in the iconic system but other than that chances are very slim that a Kryptonian power will ever surface.
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  11. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Search for the Kryptonian powerset topic on this website. It's pretty cool and a lot more creative than you are thinking. Don't forget, they are scientifically and technologically way more advanced than Earth.

    Anyways, I'm not saying there's a chance they'll release one, just that I'd like one.
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  12. Kuno Loyal Player

    Sure you do a lot of damage with those power lol
    But being serius, the OP is asking for superstrenght/invul kind of dps/tank. We dont have anything like that.
    Earth is the closer thing but the devs make the pet mandatory in order to be competitive in the game so it kills all the other possible concepts and fun.
  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If there were I'd be all over that sucker lol
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  14. Ghostof91 New Player

    This brings me right to gadgets (New technology) we have that just use swoop, the temperature beams from the iconic and there's your Zod or Noh.;)

    And I agree there are many creative posts for certain powersets but we must understand what is conceptually hard for Devs to implement, Atomic is an ability, Kryptonian is not, so theoretically you can be a Kryptonian and not have any powers, because if I re call not all Kryptonians can be Man of Steel.
  15. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    You have no imagination. It would be nothing like gadgets. Sigh.
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  16. Ghostof91 New Player

    I guess what I'm saying is this is were being creative comes in, sometimes you have to develope your own concept of a Kryptonian character, you can use Crystal as Kryptonian sidekick like Krypto, make use of the iconic tree's temperature beams for the reason why it's there in the first place.
  17. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    That power sucks. It's terrible.

    There are other Heat Vision moves in Legends mode, all of which could be utilized in a powerset. Not just the one terrible iconic power.
  18. Backseid Devoted Player

    As much as I and many others would like a Pysical powerset, its not likely to happen. The Devs have already stated why (not enough visuals mainly).

    What we should be pushing, is that people have been asking for those Iconic powers to be even remotely useful. It flat out BS they have been completely ignored FOR YEARS!

    Now that CR is everything, just make those powers scale with CR or something. I mean c'mon already!!!
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  19. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    The only way this could work is if the power was called like Genetics or something because like many above have stated those Kyptonians are not powers they are a race. Mental for example is a power Atomic is a power, Superman abilities are tied to him. Sure we may have some of his abilities in game, but that is not the same. If DCUO do Superman real justice no matter how strong our characters got we really couldn't beat sorry to superman123XxX. Because he is Kyptonian. How ever asking to have your genes changed in someway to give you traits of say Superman and his kind might be possible.
  20. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    The same place Shadow powers are.
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