How is Circe NOT an Arcane Character?!?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChillCat, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. ChillCat Loyal Player

    So I'm grinding away on LPVE, and I figured I'd kill multiple birds with one stone using Circe: Female, Amazon-related, Arcane. Of course, I discover she doesn't count towards Arcane counters.

    Maybe it's a comics canon thing, but does anyone know why? She's all about magic and power-wise she's the female equivalent of Dr Fate. Anyone have a clear explanation?
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  2. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Because it makes more sense for her to be Wonder Woman related. If she were related to both families the grind wouldn't be as tedious as it should be.

    She is not the female equivalent of Doctor Fate. Don't insult him.
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Well....... Circe IS a Goddess.

    Fate is "just" a lowlie Lord of Order. ;) ;) ;)
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  4. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I believe Circe would agree...she is most definitely his Superior
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  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Circe will count for WW feats because there is not a single character in legends that counts for multiple feats.
  6. X-zero Loyal Player

    She has her hands into everything but they are try to make it fair for some of the more lowly characters who aren't as ambitious.
  7. Ghostof91 New Player

    Circe is more powerful then Dr. Fate lol.

    As for the Arcane thing, not sure how this game see it but Arcane is knowlede of hidden omnipotent powers.
  8. Zhouz Well-Known Player

    the explanation is here

  9. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    This again?

    If there weren't any "Wonder Woman" related feats, then she would be considered Arcane, but there is, so she's WW related.
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  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Isn't Circe the Magic Villain Mentor? o_O
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  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

  12. Powerhouse70 Well-Known Player

    Circe isnt an arcane character for the same reason that choosing inspired by Superman gives you an ice character.

    The game designers chose to adapt the D.C universe to the game engine rather than adapting the game to the D.C universe.
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Self proclaimed. Not really the same thing.
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  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    And Cheetah isn't a Legend of Speed. :rolleyes:

    They should have made some count for 2, or they should have named the feats better. If they just said Flash related legend..
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  15. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Best would be to merge the groups to just three:

    Batman+Green Arrow=Tech

    The sub-groups don't make sense, but make it more complicated to farm counters of families combined with gender-counters.
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  16. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    *Adjusts Glasses*

    Lantern would be Tech (Green any Yellow) too...... It's a device created by the Guardians to Harness Will for Green, and by the Weaponers of Qward for Fear.

    Red would be Magic, due to them being created by Atocitous though Blood magic........

    Sorry I just went full geek. You never go full geek.
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  17. Ghostof91 New Player

    Rage is apart of the light spectrum therefore it is whatever the remaing spectrums are. Which is tech or meta.
  18. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I can see you point, but I would disagree based on it's origins. while the Guardians and Weaponers used technology to create their rings and power batteries to harness Will an Fear, Atrocitous used Blood Magic to create both.

    While they are all a part of the emotional spectrum, the Rage rings have a very different affect on the wearers due to their unique origin. However we are both entitled to our opinions, and I can see why you would feel that way due to their similarities.
  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If it is 'apart of' the light spectrum, then it shouldn't have to follow the same rules as those which are a part of the light spectrum ('apart' and 'a part' have opposite meanings, same as a lot of alots :p)
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  20. Ghostof91 New Player

    Basically what I am saying is you still need the ring just like the other lanterns, and if you get technical I think all the emotional spectrums were once magic but power has been minimized to degree that one can control it via device based off the emotion, which is why they are still consider Lanterns.

    Edit- Atrocitious may be magic but not the red lantern corp, based off what you said about his origin.