Lets try something different

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OANGL, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. OANGL Well-Known Player

    Everyone talks about how the game is dying and how to population sucks and everyone is a bunch of noobs. Well I want to change that. Instead of going on the forums telling everyone off and saying I'm leaving I'm making this thread to offer my help. I'm on the USPS server my name is OAN GL friend me if you want. If you want my help with missions just pm me first. I usually go on daily so if you need help and I;m not in a mission I'll help you out. Also I encourage new members to ask questions here and hopefully some vets can help me answer some of the questions.
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  2. SladeOriley New Player

    That's very generous of you. I agree that the "DCUO is dying" crew can be a little much. Thanks for trying to be a piece to the solution.
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  3. Xenia B Well-Known Player

    Ok I guess this makes up a bit for putting that Lantern thread in the Funhouse a few days ago, Just A Bit.:)
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  4. OANGL Well-Known Player

    haha the funhouse still holding a grudge?
  5. Xenia B Well-Known Player

    Don't think there's a grudge but that particular subject is old and very unpleasant when its in Gotham.:)