"Losing interest of Dcuo:i think its time for something different.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Lord Jareth, Jul 11, 2015.

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  1. Humane Committed Player

    My sub expires in August, and I'm seriously debating what to do since I don't log in all that much anymore.
    What's funny is I was on the cusp of quitting last summer but a leaguemate talked me into giving DCUO another chance, and then he quit a few months ago.
    I just am no longer sure if investing time and money on this game is viable anymore, and I am frankly tired of a 5 year old game that often seems it's still in Beta.
    The only thing holding me here has been the friends I have made that are still playing, but they seem to be jumping ship at an alarming rate.
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  2. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Welcome to DCUO!
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  3. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    The golden days of dcuo are forever gone. Alas!
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  4. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Wait, what? You need to reset raids in order to play them again? You lost me right there. Good bye lol.
  5. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    What's with the constant need for people to share their departure. Just leave.
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  6. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    Its crucial to know WHY, if ppl just left,they would be no feedback,no thoughts of improvement, no awareness of displeasure.
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  7. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    The forums are a place to leave feedback and one thing that companies always want to know is why you are choosing to take your business elsewhere. If you take the time to read the posts, in many of these threads you will find players who really want to find a reason to stay. They've invested a huge amount of time and energy into the game and if there was some hope of whatever features or content they enjoyed returning they would likely stay. As a company this sort of information is valuable and really shouldn't be discouraged.

    As players of course you are entitled to respond by asking for their stuff though. ;)
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  8. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Are you implying that I didn't read the posts? I wouldn't respond if I didn't. They are leaving feedback in a inefficient manner. First of all for a lot of the things you address there are Testing Feedback and Dev Discussion threads. The way the post is titled is not "here is some feedback" or "what I'd like to see being looked at", it's "I'm disliking the game so I think I'm gonna leave". Also what is being shared has already been discussed at length and the devs have shared their vision and thoughts quite clearly. It's all emotional responses over rational articulating of key points of improvement.
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  9. ssvillae New Player

    Im getting bored also i think im gonna buy a power token
  10. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    1. I have no way of knowing how many posts in how many of these types of threads you have read, how long you've been reading the forum or anything else. Not psychic. Don't know you. It's reasonable to reference the huge number of threads and posts on this issue, for a myriad of different reasons and assume that it's entirely possible that you have not read every single post in every single quitting thread since this forum was started (as multiple forums, divided into even more forums, then consolidated into fewer forums etc).

    2. There is no particular thread in either of those sub forums that is suitable for leaving a post explaining why you are moving on to other things. Posting feedback in the testing feedback forum is also supposed to be restricted to the content on the test server and usually requires you to have Legendary access to the game - no good if you are a PS3/4 user or have already unsubscribed.

    3. It's a forum. It's not an efficient means of communications, but a lack of efficiency is not such a terrible thing. It's a place for people to express themselves. There are a lot of topics that repeat over and over again here. That's pretty normal for a forum.

    I'm interested to know. Why does it bug you so much?
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  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I've said that this was the issue for the last two years. It becomes a problem when you dumb down your game for the casual player. The "casual player" is a term not to be confused with the "average player" because they both mean different things when DCUO is the subject matter. I personally feel that they catered to or listened to the casual player too much and now they've ended up with some irreversible changes that the average player is unhappy with. For those of you that were here from 2011-2013, you may agree that the game is entirely different from what it was and in some cases it's no longer the game many of you voluntarily soaked hours of your time into.

    I am quite unsure as to how they may fix this dilemma. Sure, they're throwing in things like cross-faction and the like but it may be too little, too late. Band-aids do not fix bullet holes.
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  12. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Same here. Have 3 people that I can count being on every day.

    Also, have a brother that plays. So its a breeze getting duo's done.
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  13. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    "If you take the time to read the posts, in many of these threads you will find players who really want to find a reason to stay."
    Clearly you're implying that in your eyes I haven't read enough posts of this particular kind.

    I don't really care that much, more as I'm trying to hold up a mirror. If feedback is the thing they are going for then a lot of fluff, anecdotes and random superlatives don't really contribute. What's helpful is hard facts and a concise breakdown of their issues without the aforementioned clutter.
  14. XODUIS Committed Player

    Whaaaaattt....? Saying you're losing interest in the game and NOT having the community act all immature? That's something i never seen on here before.

    But to be on topic, after the whole thing about me and getting banned and everything else, i have no interest to really log on.
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  15. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    A lot of professionals deflect criticism with "Well, that's anecdotal", but for MMO's which rely on a lot of individuals being active anecdotes are all that matters. We don't have the damn numbers on how many people have vanished in the last 6 months. It's silly to try to hold the position that we need numbers to relay our observations, or that they're somehow invalid because we're not keeping tally on who's subscribed.

    For me, my personal truth is many many people have disappeared to other games. Whether you agree this is the place to say that, or whether you feel it should be said at all doesn't change it. If you still have your people that's your truth, and here is the place to express it and not try to dump on everyone else who may not have it as good as you might.
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  16. XODUIS Committed Player

    I just checked the game on Steam Charts (Yes i know not everybody downloaded the game through Steam) and only 997 players are playing. It's dying.
  17. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    In all fairness you were permanently banned. You should have mentioned that for those who don't know. One can only suppose you have an agenda for this post.
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  18. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Yeah dont rub it in if you friends still around.

    My league took a big hit after this.

    Went from 32+ online to 5 or 8 on weekends. I'm still adjusting to this. I knew good efficient people that been with me threw thick and thin (FOS & Etc.) that I no longer talk too after this mark change. Had 5 Tanks in my league I could ask for help. Now I have TWO. One is my brother. An 3 trolls/dps in my league. I'm the only healer. Others DPS. I had a friend who was a Sorcery DPS that I got my first rotation from 2 years ago who no longer plays.

    My league on Villain side already has its tombstone up. Been dead for 3 months. Non of my league signs on over there. Was active back in the first Amazon content.

    I have many other friends who leagues took as big hit too. If you league running strong.. Lucky you.
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  19. DcPlayer313 Committed Player

    Yeah, it does seem like DC has taken on a loss of players since the latest update however, I haven't ran across any other mmo that can match DC's combat with a gamepad. Soul Blade is supposed to hit the west this winter and Skyforge is going into open Beta on the 17th of this month so, we'll see how they fair against DC.
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  20. XODUIS Committed Player

    Im not permanently banned jesus christ... learn to read
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