Request for lower tier synth mods to cost less top tier marks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SnowStar, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. SnowStar Committed Player

    Please consider reducing the MOV cost of lower tier mods. 5 Marks of victory for the top tier synthetic mods is understandable, but the synth cost should be tier-scaled and or CR scaled. If I am CR 113 and I want to just make sure I am getting the affinity bonuses on my gear on my off-role/off-stance 5 MOV is a lot to come by. I have farmed exos. I'm taking a break from farming exos and all that enjoyment, and I'm keeping my exos for my main role as tank, for that role's crafted mods
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  2. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I wouldn’t mind this one bit but beyond that, I’m curious as to why Synthetic 6 Expert mods weren’t introduced with the introduction of the T7 content?!!
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    It would be nice. I'm using Beta mods on my alts and on 98/102 gear. That way I can recover the Exobyte with an Alpha recovery kit.
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  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The majority of the point was to even out the prices. When you're at tier, the at tier mods will cost the same as before, but like everything else, will have better stats.
  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I dont even think VI synthetic should be 5 MoV seeing as there is no T7 synthetic's, therefor they're trying to phase synthetic's out all together, so why not make them really cheap like 1-2 MoV.

    I mean a VI mod vit is 41 vit and a VII is 61, thats 20 more vit per mod, and 120 vit for the 6 yellow sockets on troll gear. big difference in vit. Thats easily 6 ticks on PoT difference.

    and hell I didnt mind the cost before GU47, but now? with mods not doing nothing to CR then synthetics should cost $$ and maybe 1-2 marks nothing more.
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  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah.... with the new system... it is back to using Beta mods.

    I preferred when we had the option to buy T3 or T4 Mods.
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