Sp are officially useless as a DPS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gulrick TheWanderer, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Marine Death Committed Player

    I work on my sp because I think it's fun. Other than that I don't really care. I don't care how many you have. I am indifferent if skill points matter.

    But what I really care about is teamwork. Do you want to be a DPS fine. Do you want to be top DPS that's fine as well. But if you do not do pick ups, constantly dying, I find you completely useless and will kick you from the group.

    I feel the same way about skill points as I do with threads like this.
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  2. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    However, I will note that I don't think that this is over by any stretch of the imagination. The Dev's implemented GU47 yes, but I believe there will be another adjustment that will address SP's. It's coming. They will receive a buff of some kind, mark my words.
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  3. Commander Coral Well-Known Player

    I think to be honest, they're going to change it to a percentage like they did with base mods. They'll probably do this because as the Tiers get bigger and bigger, +6 Dominance per SP will really be nothing in like T9 but if they changed it to +30 Tier 1's would be OP.
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  4. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Absolutely. I do, likewise believe that the change is coming. Once the Sp's are OP, I wonder what the talk will be about then ?
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Oh, I'm sure folks will come up with something. It's always something.
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  6. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Very true. So very true....
  7. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Re-read the title please lol
  8. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    I've been hoping for four years... but I doubt anything will happen
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  9. amazingmanll New Player

    "maybe someday" dev's
  10. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    powers will never be fixed. power of the day = power token n that =$ never going to be fixed. sp is not much good anymore. yes, u still need up 2 x# to get the buffs, but after that...they mean little. feats mean little. the game is so dumbed down it is just no fun anymore. last DLC all but 5 feats done in 2 weeks. no replay grind. I don't buy replays. waste of money. a dumbed down and lame DLC= 2months with little to do. a good,fun game that now I just don't care much about anymore.
  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I would have to agree with the OP. With the best points available for a DPS in the bottom tier totaling only a possible 75 extra precision and might per a weapon tree hardly seems to make any difference in DPS ability especially in later tiers when everyone's might and precision are so high. The only way to have skill points be more relevant is to have them scale with you as you progress as a percentage base and not a fixed number increase. That way a 126 dps with 220 sp has definitely more potential ability than a 126 DPS with 80 SP. The hard work that players put in to getting feats should be rewarded with a noticeable difference in ability.
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  12. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    I doubled a 115 quantun in the new duo with my 112 celestial. All I did was rcw over and over again. Things were dead before the time bomb could go off of of the time. I have no idea what his SP were. My point is Quantum is a marathon power not a sprint. Run a raid and you will see the difference.
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  13. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Cr/power is the main decider true but sp is the difference maker/tie breaker. This is fine with me. It also PreVents the 114 quantum from coming in and smashing the 124 sorc guy just cuz he's a fotm power.

    Stat flattening has absolutely nothing to do with it, other than it needed to be done before the stat values became unmanageable.

    Cr scaling is the enemy here, but sadly it also had to be done to allow a feeling of progression for completing tier sets. There are some bugs with it and the devs don't seem to care but I imagine that is because they are over worked and under staffed and as a community all we do is ***** about everything so they turn a blind eye.

    Speaking as technicians and programmer, I deal with boolean logic statements daily and sometimes they just don't translate the way you think they should be. But I assure you that at least 1 of these programmers has the equations ruining through his head constantly and it will get resolved.

    Gu 47 was a have shattering update. For the most part the pieces came back together nicely but there are a few jagged edges still.

    So instead of making a new thread ******** and moaning every day about the same things, consolidate them. Find the thread 2 lines down from yours and add your specific not generalized issue to it.
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  14. Petralka Well-Known Player

    Me personally: Team work > Skill > Cr > Power > SP

    If you can't be a team player, then you must likely are going to be kick out of my group. You can have all the cr and sp you want but on my group no scoreboard & non team player allow.
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  15. AzraelR Committed Player

    I've been playing with only 1 char for long time in this game, putting my skill points on 200. But after a great time lost I realized that the worst crap that exists in this game are these skill points. Although i have today 211, I wish there were no such thing. I say this because I think every player should have at least one char of each power. It's something fun. But ends up not being fun when the skill points there, and you forced to have to spend money to copy the feats for all secondary chars. It's expensive and not worth it. So I'm putting all my secondary char with 80 skill points only. I'm avoiding going to the hardest raids with them because I know that if I do, the chances I lost in damage are high.

    Who is here in the forum asking for the number of skill points really make a big difference in status, they are those who play with only 1 char, or a few. If the player in question decided to play with many chars, would not ask that.
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  16. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    If someone give me a $1 for every "SP are useless" thread....ill be able to get Legendary by now.

    I do a lot of DPS so I can say this.....SP are impotent to us DPS especially if you one of those "oh I gotta be on top of the scoreboard" kind of guys.
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  17. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Once all power are brung up SP will matter again. Just fight for ur power to be as strong As quantum. Mental and Fire community wanted to be respected as a dps power. Mental got it thanx to the mental community. Now it will be fire turn next.
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  18. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Compare a player with the same power and cr as you, what factors come into play to decide top damage?
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    like this guy said. . .

    I was beating CR125 204sp ppl as a CR119 w/170sp

    the CR125 being quantum, and me being mental. I will note that I am a troller mainly not a DPS. and I was 500k ahead of the quantum the entire raid and due to getting down at the end I fell behind said player by 50k-100k

    and atm I wasn't even using mass hysteria due to not knowing how good it is now :eek:
  20. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    We have no choice but to accept it: Spend money for the devs and switch powers to whatever they make OP, and spend money for replays since you're only able to run a small portion of content.