Huge Happiness Home glitch

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Morsy808, May 13, 2015.

  1. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Playing this raid earlier with league members, we finished the first boss just fine. But when it came time for the Professor Zoom boss fight, things wenthorribly wrong.

    We wiped pretty quickly when the masses of adds arrived during the fight. However, upon respawning, Zoom didn't leave his spawn.

    He was stuck behinf the wall/door he is meant to come of.

    We wiped on purpose (death by lazers), but no matter what we did, he was still stuck there.

    Any idea when a patch is launching to address this issue?
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  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Hmm we had the same issue in our run tonight, but all we had to do was have the whole group leave the room and come back in and he would come out and fight us. And just for the record, this happened us with each boss, not just Zoom.
  3. true New Player

    Having this same problem now
    Sometimes he will come out after we all warp rally....
    oh and if he kills whoever he aggros first. he will reset and trap the group in the room