Favorite Role

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DrTyme, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Blackz Star Level 30

    Healer and Tank. I choose who lives or dies.
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  2. Biester New Player

    No thought required, rage tanking ftw. Why?? Because I am an unkillable god in pve, I beat the hell out of enemies with hammers, and I have all three forms of pulls. Not to mention I get to send enemies flying through the air like a super-saiyan.

    Sorcery healing would be my second choice mainly because of the guardian. That little guy is unbelievably awesome.
  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Mine is solo or Duo as a dps - That's what hooked me on DCUO

    But, all my best drops go to my troll or a tank rolls first
    Due to DPS being very competitive I avoid it in raids and alerts. I'm also no longer excited to be a 'gadgets dps' due to the AM.

    I did Sorcery healing for a couple months and really enjoyed it, so I'm working on a new toon for that too.

    It's a little sad to think that the design of the game can push us away from things we enjoy rather than towards them.
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  4. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Dps use to be my favorite but it's become very lackluster for me compared to the old jump canceling and clipping days. So I would have to go with Tanking and Trolling. Both roles I can pretty much make adds do what I want in different ways. As a tank I can pull and juggle them all day and now as a quantum troll I just break the adds backs with stuns. Still dps a lot though but just doesn't feel the same.
  5. BlazeChamp Committed Player

  6. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    It can depend on how someone looks at the role also. Tanks and controllers can do damage while performing their selected role. Tanks can control adds and bosses which gives tanks a bit of control over a raid. Healers may be mostly healing but they still do mostly the same attacks they would as dps except instead of doing damage they're keeping everyone alive, this can vary depending on the selected power and situation.

    This all can be looked at in different ways, some of which some may not agree with. Mostly the dps is just there to deal damage and not much else but this can slightly vary depending on the content at the time. Support roles keep the party going so it's a give and take somewhat. DPS can be seen more as soldiers or even grunts, there to simply kill things while the support roles perfect the important tasks.

    Everyone should play as the role they have the most fun with though. Every role and every power can serve a purpose if used correctly.
  7. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Dps and troll. Hated tanking. Still have yet to try healing
  8. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Dps, I don't have to rally people that way or block because someone will rally me and I can whine at the tank for loosing aggro. I kid I kid. Fire tanking is tops followed by gadget trolling. I limitedly played with both electric and nature healing and found both fun. I have played every power and role besides rage tanking. But I put those top 4. In the dps side, I found mental, nature and earth the most fun.