Weapon Mastery Style not saving

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I bought the Wicked weapon style pack, and I use handBlasters. The handblast into brawling mastery style isn't working. When I save the Wicked brawling style, it works, but when I relog or go into an instance, etc, it unsaves and goes back to the original ugly WM style. This has been going on for months. It isnt till now that I decided to make a thread.

    I am unsure if there is another thread on the same issue.
  2. DarkChaosReign New Player

    Same problem here. Armories don't save weapon Mastery styles at all.
  3. butaalinmarian New Player

    I presume it's the same issue as the shape change one. If that's the case it will be fixed with GU44 today.
  4. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Ah yes that is it probably. I'm happy now, thankyou! :)

    I just read those notes also... Facepalm
  5. butaalinmarian New Player

    You're welcome. This issue bothered me for some and I'm also glad that it was fixed.