The Next (Next) Four Legends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Aydarkzero Active Player

    Raven so i can play as someone else besides Batman
  2. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

  3. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Of course you do...
  4. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    They are adding Grodd. Ivy, Hawkgirl, and Zatanna are certainly more popular than Grodd.
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  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    None of which are the opposite for The Flash though....Plus as already stated, girls just don't sell as well.... So it depends what you're basing your "popularity" on.... They're basing it on sales.

    Plus my post was 99% sarcasm for Circe, just giving him the business a little.... Don't think too much into it. :D
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    Ivy is a bit subjective but going on past threads I'd say Hawkgirl and Zatanna are certainly in the list of top requested toons.
  7. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    They haven't always added characters and their counterparts so I feel that's a weak argument. And I was basing it on the fact those characters have had their own comic titles at some point to my knowledge Grodd has not.
  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Correct, they used to release them based on the content and DLC's they had coming out, which thankfully they got away from....

    This group of 8 all appear to be counters to each other to me. Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, Green Arrow and Deathstroke, Flash and Grodd, Shazam and Black Adam....

    They may have their own comic lines, but if they don't feel they'll make enough money to invest the time into them then they likely wont... The best selling toon has been Superman but I think he's considered one of the worst toons in Legends....
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  9. Circe New Player

    I certainly think Ivy and Zatanna should be top priorities. Each have their own loading screen, avatar, and such.

    Ivy is a popular Batman villain. Zatanna is a popular Justice League member.
  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Lobo would be dope.
  11. Impulsively Committed Player

    I agree that Jay and KF (yeah, it's Bart in the game's timeline) getting their own moveset would be preferable. I only offered the skin thing as an alternative in case the design team didn't want to think up a whole different power tray for three other speedsters if you include Professor Zoom.

    And yeah, the Flash costume set isn't widely diverse as far as different looks go, but I think that an alternate skin of the New 52 costume, the Justice League 3000 costume, and possibly some of the Elseworld story costumes would be a nice start.

    Jay could get his New 52 costume as an alt look as well if he were to become a Legend character.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Blue Beetle Ted Kord
    Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes
    Blue Beetle Dan Garrett
    Black Lantern Blue Beetle

    What? A man can dream. Also, Spytle did say Black Lantern one at SOE Live. ;)
    • Like x 1
  13. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    1. [IMG]

    2. [IMG]

    3. [IMG]

    4. [IMG]
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  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Titanic Trenton
    Titanic Trenton
    Titanic Trenton
    Titanic Trenton
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  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Grodd is more popular then Hawkgirl and Zatanna in game.
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  16. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    Who dares to question the popularity of Gorilla Grodd!!!! :mad:
  17. Circe New Player

    We aren't talking about in-game though. Green Arrow is not popular in-game, he's not in many missions, but he has a lot of fans so he was released.

    And Zatanna is in a lot of things.
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  18. tukuan Devoted Player

    By what metric? From a content point of view both show up in both hero and villain instances so I'm not sure that in game either has an edge.

    As for community, I've seen these threads since launch. Grodd is not mentioned often especially prior to last summer's announcement. Zatanna almost always is, and often by different people.
  19. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Hank Henshaw :)
    Superboy (finish the Super Family)
    Martian Manhunter
    Raven & Cyborg
    Black Canary
    Mr. Freeze/Poison Ivy
    Skins for other future characters - Circe, Luthor
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  20. Clifwing New Player

    Batgirl and Zoom!