Who else is part of the OP Neck club?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gokaigerbay, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. rival exe New Player

    salvaged it
  2. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Add me to the club.
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  3. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    Sadly, it's true. Also had 2 OP rings in the first 2 weeks of AB...and rolled a 99 the first time I ever saw a prime helm drop.

    Gotta love that hidden luck stat! :O
  4. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    I expect I won't see the ring or neck until I'm at least T8, I only just received the Helm of OP 4 days ago and been running Prime since it's release. On a side note I told a buddy I would buy Destiny, because he keeps bugging me to, if the Helm of OP and the Ring of OP dropped for me, I'm a little worried now because I didn't expect the helm and now I'm making every excuse NOT to run AnB. :p
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    it will never be everywere I have played this game since release and have yet to get any of the OP items
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  6. Craven Green Loyal Player

    You made my day with this comment. No helm, no rings, no neck.
  7. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I do congratulate everybody who has the OP items and hope that one day my luck will match my hard work and effort.
  8. Bast10n Committed Player

    I didn't realize there was a club. Will there be punch and pie?
  9. Sore Steadfast Player

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  10. Cataclyzm New Player

    Hey sore when it says "characters equipping item," is that people with it equipped in their current gear? Or just people who have obtained the item and have it somewhere in their inventory? Just curious, thanks.
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I take offense to that....I have the ring but not on my primary...it ticks me off that I spent about 90% of my time playing on my primary and my two alts both have the ring. It is very annoying considering I don't run A&B weekly whereas I do with my primary....
  12. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Would seem there are 779 of you out there
  13. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    8 times and got ONE 94 neck piece........total. Not talking about just getting the OP neck. I get most of my focus element VI's from Lockdown. What gets me is that the people who have got the OP neck are the ones knocked out of the fight and can't finish and are just standing at the door for the last three runs.
  14. Delta795 New Player

    Not me..I got lucky with the helm & rings but haven't seen a neck pc drop yet.
    I do have a league mate that has 2 of them (NO BS) he's gotten a new moniker from a few of us..."2-chainz"
  15. Sore Steadfast Player

    Equipped at that moment. Doesn't count your inventory or bank. It is all the census will let us know. It does give a sense of scale, though.
  16. Ogat New Player

    There are 4 people with this Neck in my leauge, but 8 necks in total. Me and a guy have one on two different chars, and our leaugeleader has 3 on 3 different chars, the last is with some barely used troller alt.