Are you an Alpha?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WockaFlockaPhil, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. BigAl Devoted Player

    I get the feeling this is an "all or nothing" scenario. If an opt out isn't capable, then the only solution would be to 86 the whole thing. But that's where the problem is....the community is divided and that means no one will hear the end of it.
  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I think they put way too much time and effort into it to 86 anything. They're working on their own offical app for a long time now, I don't see them tossing all those man-hours down the drain....

    I think they're waiting for things to calm down even more and then they'll say they're leaving it as it stands now....
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  3. Ben Panced Level 30

    Or they could simply be better than me. Or they're hackers.
  4. BigAl Devoted Player

  5. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Forget the Alphas... I wonder how many in the game are Tri-Lambs and Omega Moos.
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  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    Feature Disabled
    Apparently DCUOLIVE.COM is ALPHA because the queries it was generating for the Alpha lists crashed the Census. It looks like I was coming at them sideways. LOL. They are adding some indexes and it will be back up.

    Buffed Stats
    I started building the feature without knowing the stats presented were buffed. I would prefer they were base stats. Once I realized it, I thought "meh" show it anyway. When I heard some people were popping sodas and trinkets to top the list, I thought "at least they're having fun with it." I can't ask for much more than that. Even then, we all know that maxing out a stat isn't the best build you could possibly have. Crits matter. But if a person was already in a min/max mindset then I might as well let them have their fun.

    The Name ALPHAS
    It really is tongue in cheek. If someone made the list, I wanted to use a term that could give them a bit of pride. I was going to separate it by Hero and Villain but the UI was getting too busy given that I already separate between servers. I was going to call the Villains "Most Wanted" and hadn't thought of a "Hero" name yet. Alpha was the first that came to mind. Don't attribute too much to it but also have fun with it. Between the buffed stats, critiques of a min/max build and the limited number of people that can possibly make a Top 10 list...I don't expect it to really play any factor in-game when anyone is actually trying to make a group and have fun.

    PvP List
    It's tough because a lot of people are PvP CR 90. I use SP as a secondary differentiator and then PvE CR as tertiary. I really wish I had access to ELO ranking and win/loss information. It will get extra interesting once the new PvP season comes out. That'll certainly be a much-watched list until the pack catches the leaders.

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  7. Mad9 New Player

    There are pictures somewhere on the forums and in the archives. This issue of CR inflation cropped up when CR 89 was the highest and some people were 90 CR. Also, someone posted a thread on max CR before this DLC claiming to be 107 when everyone was 106. I might be able to locate them. In each case, the CR showed 1 ahead of the commonly known max CR.
  8. Peach4saints Committed Player

    You know you're addicted to a show when you see the world "alpha" and automatically think of "Teen Wolf"
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  9. BigAl Devoted Player

    I wish more people would see this as a fun thing and not the be-all-end-all. But you have to know some people will use this as a sole tool for pugging. Which is sad. Some things, like SP and CR, can't be buffed and faked. Hopefully, all will be good when the initial dust settles.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Typo...that should have been 94 OBVIOUSLY... :p
  11. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    I wish they'd keep non alphas out of this thread, it'd be way cooler that way.

    Sore can stay since he crashed the census site. That's pretty alpha if you ask me.
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  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    So in this sense "Alpha" means person who plays this game too much?
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  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    How do you know if you are an alpha? I searched my character and got all my stats and last location and all that but didn't see anything indicating an "alpha"
  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Would it ever be "possible" or even wanted for SOE to grant players access to this app in-game?
  15. Sore Steadfast Player

    Not enough Alphas exist to make it useful for pugging.
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  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I wanna be an alpha when I grow up
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  17. inferno Loyal Player

    I'm Alpha and Omega in my list.
  18. Sore Steadfast Player

    Check again. The feature is back on!


    (ALSO: DLC gear is now loaded and no longer just shows an item number)
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  19. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Yep my troll is still up there on USPS :p

    Healer is no longer but he only 107.
  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    The each list caches for 10 minutes so it will be notably less fluctuating even though buffs still affect the results.