What if you got another player to be your sidekick? Or the other way around?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Chaos Evolution, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Be a sidekick player or get a player to play as your sidekick. Could be fun
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  2. True Despair Well-Known Player

    You must be a dps
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  3. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Well sure whatever
  4. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    so, like a support role?
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  5. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    So I could have my own Wonder Boy?
  6. Little Sister New Player

    I'm already a sidekick :)
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  7. Xang New Player

    Maybe I need my morning cup of OJ but i am failing to see the point. Are you just talking about having the Title of sidekick or actually being a sidekick like from the Home Turf mods, cuz in short all they are is the combo of all the suppot roles put together to form (at times) a useless annoying little guy or girl. OH I GET IT!!! It's Shot Fired at those who play content they aren't ready for they could enter in as a "Sidekick" and earn no marks or gear but just learn how to play their role. Got it GREAT IDEA WHERE DO I SIGN PEOPLE UP?!
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  8. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    We could take turns being wingman.
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  9. Octantis New Player

    Group up and do Duos?

    Or do you want a trinket that'll forcibly remove the other player from bed/work/family/whatever and magically sit them at their computer whenever you call for them? I don't think that technology is available. Or ethical.
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  10. Spoofer New Player

    THIS ^^

    People really dont care if its feasible or not lol
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  11. mpalkew New Player

    I actually think this could be a cool idea. It would be a support role but only for their specific partner. The closer they stay to their partner the more effective they would be. It would give people the opportunity to create new characters with different powers, weapons, etc. While healers and trolls would still affect the whole group, these sidekicks may provide support in other ways for their "mentor". You could have raids with 16 different characters in it. Go ahead and start ripping this apart, but I think its an interesting idea, probably impossible, but still interesting.
  12. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    Don't worry anytime you join me in a group your my sidekick. Hope that helps. :p
  13. savageprime New Player

    Biggest exhibition of trolling I seen this week. Don't feed people.
  14. mgibson New Player

    Just keep your sidekicks outta my tank zone. It's cluttered enough in there as it is.
    If we're talking helping the little guys:
    I help people learn their roles and powers. I help people get Skill Points. I help people get gear. I help people get mods. In that order.
  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    To the OP...

    City or Heroes had a feature like this, that allowed you to mentor/sidekick another player and it brought them to your level/cr but one level under. For example, in that game the cap was 50, so if you were level 5, I could sidekick you, and it would make you level 49. The catch is, if you get to far away from me, you would lose the buff making you level 49. You still wouldn't be much use to a team, but you had the ability to play with your friends who might have been much higher than you were.

    Something like that in this game would be great. It would allow veteran players to gear up faster because of their leagues, and it would also give new players a taste of what is to come. I think something like this would be the perfect solution to the CR lockout for veteran players. They could even make this feature available and similar to how skill points work in that as long as you have one character at cr108, any alt could be side kicked to play in that level of content.

    +1 I'm all for this. :)


    City of Heroes was way ahead of its time in the Super Hero MMO genre. ;)
  16. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    I already have one, he is called COSMICWAR, from USPC.

    He is my sidekick :D