Most hated missions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kabeq, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. kabeq Well-Known Player

    I hate the whole Specter set. In particular, the mission ( where you have to enrage the accusers and magistrates).
    How bout you?
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  2. kabeq Well-Known Player

    I don't know why this posted twice. Sorry.
  3. Gucciana Committed Player

    i hate the mission with gorrile grodd
  4. L T Devoted Player

    the gotham university mission where you turn into a zombie with no movement power!
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  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I have to say I enjoyed all the pre-level 30 missions, i do however hate Toyman missions to the point where I have been on 60 missions for 2 years now as I refuse to do them lol
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  6. Zylo Committed Player

    most annoying/hated mission?

    its Central City mission were you have to chase down 10-15 civilians down to obtain there speed force that they have making them run non-stop. so much hate that stepping into Central City gives me a sense of dread.
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  7. xNohellz Committed Player

    definitely the Toyman Missions
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  8. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I absolutely hate the Specter chapter, and while I dislike all but the final mission, the one that requires capturing enraged accusers and magistrates is my most hated. 2nd is the one where you have to gain the spectral aura to bait out reapers.

    First off, there are several issues with this chapter. The first is that soul eaters were removed from the game and replaced with reapers. This only becomes confusing for players, especially when surrounded by a dozen spirits.

    Second. I have no idea why somebody thought it would be a good idea to add those spectral aura reapers to the first ghost area where there is no npc to grant you a spectral aura, basically adding enemies to an area you cannot engage, but who can attack you no problem.

    Third. Even though the capture count for accusers and magistrates was reduced from something like 15 or 10 each to 5, the placement and wander path of those ghosts, and the lackadaisical behavior of many random players results in derps destroying the ghosts before you can finish luring them back to the capture zone. A few things can be done in this area, like rearranging the ghost spawn points so they are closer to the capture areas, removing some of the debris and decor that block the path to the capture areas (banners, light poles, partial barricades). Or, just remove the capture element and change the mission feature to a straight kill count, with the ghosts enraging to get a buff, similar to the way Bane's soldiers pump up venom and get bigger, restoring some of their health and possibly increasind defense/damge stats. Upping the kill count up to 12/12 would be reasonable if it was switched over to straight up ghost slaying.
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  9. houseofcantor New Player

    How many of these threads are you gonna make? :p

    Bludhaven specifically, PUGs where nobody knows what to do in general.
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  10. ChaosInternational New Player

    Open world bounties, especially the ones needed for feats.
  11. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Although I'm tempted to say any mission with a Wag...
    The two I disliked the most are posted above: Central City's Can't Stop and that Spectre one where you have to damage the ghost and drag it to the bubble.
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  12. vladspally Well-Known Player

    I am on 2/10. I refuse to be bothered with that charging toyman daily. It can go were the sun don't shine for all I care.
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  13. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    "Can't Stop!" should allow players to target the running civilians as yellow targets. The switch to the super movement mode should give you a new tray ability that is essentially speedster's tornado pull, but one that can be initiated while moving. Give it a close proximity hit range, and a moderate cool down, so you have to chase the civilians and get close enough to them for the pull to work, which will sap their speed, also extending the amount of time you remain in superspeed movement mode. Definitely throw some fun back into the mix.
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  14. RlVER Well-Known Player

    Paradox - Ridiculous I am in 94 gear and still get hit by phantom one shots. smh
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  15. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    t6 solos, waste of time for 1 mark each
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  16. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Iconic solos
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Brianiac gets old...after you beat it the first time, they should have a skp button for other toons...
  18. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    CC mission when you have to slow down people trapped in the speed force
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  19. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Toyman, hands down
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  20. Magician Dedicated Player

    I would have to agree with Toyman. I've done that maybe once in the 3 years I've played. I don't care to go back, even for the feats.
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