Change power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by shaharluftig, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. shaharluftig New Player

    Hey, My power is light, light was very good damage, and now he has very bad damage, So i want to change my power to rage, if i want to change to rage, i must to own the war of light part 1? or i can change to any power i want?.

    (I am premium)
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    You have to either buy the dlc or be legendary when you switch.
  3. exil3d! New Player

    You need DLC WoL1 and power respec.
  4. Ruyver New Player

    Have you tried changing up your loadout? I am hard light on my main and I have a Rage secondary both are full 90 gear and I do far more damage with my Hard Light character. I have out damaged full 92 geared Rage characters, so if you think the power is instant win you may want to do research first. Hard Light can still damage out with the best of them.