Update 2: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. Mister Brees New Player

    When did they say that they knew there would be a new mark all along?
  2. Sylo Committed Player

    Really? As a business I do not think that this is something they would decide a few days ago.
  3. Lunar Agent New Player

    Well in the first Update: marks of power thread Mepps did say this came up after the preview live stream for HoP I, so they really did at most only come up with this Idea a few weeks ago.

    Overall I do like that they added a couple more ways to get marks of power for players that don't love raiding, or players that want a way to jump on for a couple minutes and still get some marks of power, but I still do not love the idea of new marks. People are still going to gear up to fast by using replay badges, and the best gear is still loot from a raid, so no matter what in the end the Mark gear doesn't matter because its still not the best gear available, so in my mind, this whole mark argument is useless. That is unless these loot tables are worse than the ones in the origin crisis raids when they first released.
  4. Revoemag Committed Player

    1 request..

    If you're adding more tiers of marks, can you reduce the amount of marks needed throughout the lower tier gear vendors. Leveling up an alt just got that much longer now.
  5. Octantis New Player

    They didn't know all along. It was mentioned by a Green Name that this was a last minute change after a long stretch of internal discussion. It wasn't something they were initially planning on; maybe eventually, but obviously not this soon. It's also been mentioned that DLC 12 and beyond will be handled differently as far as Marks go, yet what that is hasn't been revealed yet.
  6. Octantis New Player

    It sounds more like gear still costs Triumph, and the unique Marks you get can/must be converted to Triumph using the Mark Converter. Essentially, progression from T0-T5 remains the same. It's only really T6 that's being affected the most.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We mean you will get both MoF and MoP at the end, every time.
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  8. Chilog Well-Known Player

    Just wondering. Why don't people like them? You get to play the new Legends characters in the content and can even see if you want to buy them. I really hope they don't stop doing the iconic solo missions, I love them.
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    i like them personally. but they do get stale after a short time period
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  10. Revoemag Committed Player

    I understand that.. But since the release of tier 6 content none of the marks in the lower tier vendors has been reduced like they did previously...when t5 came out the devs slashed the cost of t1-t3 vendor costs..now that t6 is around I'd like to see the cost of t4 to get a cut (t4 also being the hardest to grind seeing as there are no t4 solos or duos)
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  11. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    There are t4 solos in the open world Arkham, Ace, Steelworks, Strykers but yeah t4 price should be cut.
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  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Um I thought we were inky getting a choice of either or.... Not getting both no matter what .... Please clarify the initial post says gettin to choose which not gettin both no matter what
  13. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    man idc if they postpone the dlc this change is dumb all together, but devs can't see it all. their greed as gone way too far this time
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    From the original post:

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  15. Green Lantern New Player

    Better than nothing. I really dislike the DLC 10 Anomalies but I do like the outside solo content because it's quick and simple to do every day.
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  16. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    are u mad cuz other people get better gear faster than you and then say they're bored? you shouldn't care and neither should these devs since they're the ones who made replay badges in the first place
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  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Oh ok good I didn't see the and thank you .... Still this was a nice gesture to ease some of this tension ....
  18. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    are you blind? can't u see how wrong this is? they're forcing you to run the same content in a dlc over and over again until you get sick of it. for example if i don't want to do the 2 new alerts anymore cuz they got boring to run over and over so i can go back to td after that i get bored with it again i go after the new ones but i still get marks towards the vender gear. do you get it now??
  19. Sylo Committed Player

    Fair enough.

    But then why not remove the MOF cap with a hotfix?
  20. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    It was the first post of the thread!?:confused:
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