Status: 7/29/2014 21:47 PDT - The game is currently down for scheduled maintenance?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueOlympus, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    On the home tab of the forums it is saying that the game is currently down. I am confused because I am currently on the game as we speak. Is the marketplace down more specifically? Because I have recently made a transaction and still have not received my marketplace cash? Is anyone else experiencing any issues similar?
  2. Twilight Man New Player

    Sudden 30 second lag spikes and loss of sound
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  3. unfunnyusername New Player

    It gets more confusing since, according to the DCUO homesite, USPS, EUPS and USPC are all up but EUPC is down. Also, 'scheduled' maintenance? If it's scheduled maintenance - where's the schedule? There's nothing on the launcher or the forum to tell me that DCUO is due for any maintenance today and there's nothing in the status to tell us how long this 'scheduled' maintenance is going to last.
  4. exil3d! New Player

    Server Hotfix - July 30, 2014
  5. unfunnyusername New Player

    That says "Server Hotfix" not scheduled maintenance. It also doesn't say how long it'll be. It was also posted at 1am, GMT. So, it's 100% useless as a scheduling announcement for server downtime for EUPC.
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