Sugestions to Improve leagues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TemporalHawk, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    These are some ideas I had on how to improve leagues and league mangment in the game

    1 put a confirmation screen preferably in red you have to push confirm on to leave league to prevent accidental league leaving

    2 ability to have multiple leader positions in case the current leader doesn't come on in months

    3 the ability for the league to vote in a new leader in case current leader doesn't log in in a certain amount of time lets say 4 to 5 months

    4 the ability to put people on a ban list after kicking from league for infraction so they cant be accedentaly reinvited later by some one who doesn't know they have been kicked

    5 a larger space for message of day and separate tabs under league management for a weekly or monthly callender to plan raids and events and a tab to put a list of league rules and requirements on

    6 the ability for league members to out there cr power and roles so they show up when they click their name in league list if they so choose

    Ideas for league halls

    1 League bank that can be restricted by rank

    2 league crafting if one member has a plan all the other members can use that plan in league hall even if they don't have it themselves

    3 a room where league members can load in npc enemies to practice on sort of a danger room
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  2. Twincam Well-Known Player

    Well this would be nice, but even if there was some UI that tells you which league member can craft which mod would be more than enough.
  3. NecronDaark New Player

    I like all these ideas. I have accidentally kicked my 2nd/Co-founder and still can't restore his rank. A second "are you sure" would be helpful.
  4. DMAN870NLOCK Well-Known Player

    I like your ideas too! How about a league base that can where your league can train, interact, and do missions together.
  5. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    lol thats the next DLC
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    I like some of the ideas :) Hope we get a league bank with league halls. And i would love symbols next to the names of people on friends and league list of what role they are, if not symbols then color code it at least.
  7. Santheum New Player

    What we really need are some league emblems...
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  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

  9. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    how about having a league base to where only the top two ranks or leader could activate the vender to where it would allow all the members in the league free sodas and consumables that would boost attack, health, defense, and more

    maybe allowed to have that one day a week a thinks? but im just throwing ideas
  10. chipzes Committed Player

    It's not. League Halls are GU39 ;)
  11. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Love them all. Top to Bottom. I really hope that League will get a major update with the league halls GU and the Halls of Power DLC, it is really needed, cause right now, it just feels like a bunch of people under one name with a secret chat :p
  12. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

  13. Statman New Player

    That's why he said DLC (specific to the point he quoted) and not Game Update. The next DLC will apparently contain missions within league bases.
  14. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Yeh you know what I meant tho lol xD
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