Rage Dps Pvp loadout?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Seismicfesr, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Hello need a good loadout for Rage pvp. Thank you for ur help.
  2. Tunderer New Player

  3. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I can't remember what all of the rage moves are called. Galling Eruption, the Rage mode move form the 1st tree, Outrage, the precision buff (but I'll drop that after the update), the shield, Eviscerating Chain.
  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    I use Outrage, Galling, Dreadful (in case you get an annoying ranger), Remorseless, and Ire for the first 5.
    The sixth is a situational location. Either a role debuff or Infuriate.
    Works good for me so far. I even get random emails from people calling me OP (with some profanity thrown in for good measure).
    I never use the rage crash in pvp, too many people throw tank debuffs once they see the red ring.

    Edit, I switched out Dreadful for Outrage a while back. Sorry, brain fart. I use Bloodlust in that spot. ;)
  5. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I see lots of dps using that rage mode thingy in PvP. After fighting them myself I can tell you that, since their power bar is limited, they only use rage mode+rage crash cancel moves, so... only 2 powers as a dps, which is also very predictible. It's definitely better to play like a normal dps and use true dps powers because you can do so much more damage and kills like that. Rage mode was made for tanks anyways and as mentioned before it's vulnerable to debuffs.