Why Dominance is not affecting stuns on tanks/off feet problem.(1860 Pure)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Tunderer, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Tunderer New Player

    Its so annoying that even with 1860 dominance pure and above 2k with soder im still juggled like a doll even in t2 raids like batcave or t3 like fos raids and even in t1 solos sometimes .Why every 500 dom for trollers is 1 s more of their cc effects and not 1 s less or something like that control effect for tanks.We need to deal with that crappy half working counter mechanics and with this as addition.Tell me what do you think my tank fellows.
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  2. lone belmont Level 30

    dont think dom have anything to do with that even tho for tank i think it should. my tank have over 2k dom and still get trow around in batcave raid.
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  3. Redmash New Player

    Yea it needs to be addressed. I refuse to run any of the batcaves because there is no way in Hell any T5 players, especially tanks should be getting balled up and bounced around by anything in there. If there isn't a resist stat there should be. Add enimty stats and resist stats its not that hard.
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  4. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Agreed. If an enemy's Dom is a lot less than the tank's, they should not be able to CC them. Just like how we can't CC main bosses.
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  5. Mick Nugget New Player

    K first off i agree 100 percent with most of your ideas here. That being said, Dom has no effect on whether or not you can be cc'd.

    That is determined by your control resistance, not your dom. For instance, everyone has access to melee weapons, giving us an extra 20 percent right there. Everyone also has access to movement mode resistances along side that. On top of that, some if not all tank powers have moves that increase that percentage from an extra 10 percent all the way up to 100 percent, for a short time.

    Severe Punishment, for example. Ferocity/Ire for example. Reflect for example. Even non tank powers like Wolf form in nature boosts you up to like 40 percent control resistance.

    So attemt to stack your control resistance and use any powers that bump that stat up and try to anticipate the adds/mobs that will cc you and pop that control resistance move and you will be rock solid, most of the time at least.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Dominance does NOT effect your control resistance, and it does NOT effect your ability to hold aggro. Two things you should know. It DOES effect the strength of your shields, your health (fire and rage tanks), and how long your stuns last on enemies (+1 second for everyone 500 dominance).
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  7. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    This is why we have breakout powers (Fire and Rage have 2 - I'm sure of it, while Ice and Earth have only 1 each - not 100% sure) and breakout benefits with HT mods.
  8. lone belmont Level 30

    you are missing the point.

    tank should be more resistant then other. Im full t5 and when i run the bat cave the shield robot would puss me around with thier move and if there is nore then 1 you are constanty beeing push even through lung attack. its just anoying beeing a tank roll wich is ment to be the one who stand thier ground. beeing cc by lower lvl mobs
  9. Ava1Spade New Player

    No. Tanks already get enough buffs and bonuses for being tanks. (And some detractions as well, of course.)

    I'm a Controller, and I have high dominance, but no where did I expect that to mean I can't be CC'd. Everyone has the breakout ability. On top of that, as it has been mentioned by others, there are ways to improve your resistance to effects.

    Tanks should not get more free bonuses. Just spend the skill points appropriately if it has become an issue.
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  10. Tunderer New Player

    I didnt said any of that i dont know where you read it in my post .And I know all that you said from very very long time you dont need to teach me about it :p Im just saying that stat should be more important for tanks and we should be more resistant to those effect and to those refering we have breakout ability ,yea we have and it last about 2 sec and then you are again on the ground and it is on cooldown.

    P.S Again YES i know Dominance has nothing to do with tank being cc'd Im just Saying it Should .Or those stun resistant innates should be a little bit Higher (For Tanks at least).
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  11. Black Prime New Player

    They have addressed this. Thats why they added breakout trinkets to pve. Your not juggled that bad. I mean most tanks have a breakout power. Some with 2. Now with trinket 3. If you do a good rotation you shouod not be juggled that much. Dom has nothing to do with control rest. As strong as we are now i think juggling is not that big a deal. I mean we are talking about low end raids. I think you should stop crying. Most dont remember how hard these raids were 3 years ago. Maybe the need to add this kind of stuff to top end raids since we are so strong now.
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  12. Tunderer New Player

    Stop Crying? im not crying at all just if it works for controllers 500=1sec more that should work backward for tanks 1s less its just an idea.And you completely missed the main thing its all about being that strong like you said and still be knocked from corner to corner the same as for example cr40guy that you are carrying. Seriously i dont want to be rude just read more carefull.
  13. toast Well-Known Player

    hell my full prideful tank got owned by a lvl 9 npc in metro.
  14. toast Well-Known Player

    i wet myself i laughed so hard at this
  15. Tunderer New Player

    hah he probably knocked you that hard that you broke your neck when you where falling on the ground. :pp
  16. toast Well-Known Player

    i have all the cc innates and im still juggled more than a bowling pin at a clown college
  17. Tunderer New Player

    you should take advice of that young man and take 2 breakouts abilities, trinket and make a rotation based only on that. forget about shields and if you are rage about rage crash too :p
  18. Mick Nugget New Player

    lol. look at it this way, have you ever been juggled by a mob that was being juggled? As a tank, one of our greatest defenses is a strong offense.

    Lunge in and pop bitter winds/back draft/without mercy, none of those adds will be juggling you for 3 sec. spam it again to keep tossing em up like like a chef at Benny Hanna's.

    As a tank you have everything u need to be the juggler, not the jugglee but you gotta be quicker on the draw than the mobs you are facing and keep them juggled.

    Check your powers descriptions and add some powers that juggle multiple adds to your load out.
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  19. Massah Committed Player

    Dominance should be changed to where when significantly higher than an enemy's will power - it grants immunity or increased resistance to the enemies CC moves.

    The whole will power stat is just awkward. In PvP dominance means nothing as far as Willpower (mainly because the actual player determines the will power so Dominance is just basically for tank self-buffs and Complimentary Restore for self-heals andnshields.) Weirdly our willpower against an NPC again is the actual player although to combat the AI's will power you need Dominance. Immunity from a Tank does not last long enough for usefulness in T2 raids...Arc/Bastion Turrets/Wing Armors (Heck even the T2 alerts Tornado attack in Oolong Alert, Fear Push back whirls in Star Labs Alert....ugh

    If they are not going to allow for immunity or greater CC resistance then they should allow for Dominance to reduce CC effect duration. For balancing reasons every 500 dominace reduces duration by .5sec to the same 1 sec duration when applying a CC effect. Tanks/Controllers with 2k plus DOM would be encasements/pushbacks a full 2secs shorter - which in the Batcavea would seem like you were immune to the CC effects anyway. (Tanks and Controllers should not be getting rag-dolled by the same AI enemies that they Dominate over.)
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  20. Massah Committed Player

    Have you tried breakout Trinkets on the ARC in Inner.....laughable.(Although I swear when they revamped Inner they increased the knock back push to level too high...yet no fix/patch) (Pre Home Turf the ARC was not as annoying and you could use movement breakout powers or immunities and it would show the word Immune over your head)

    Tanks have breakouts as there are also a breakout power for every movement mode Air Burst/Whirling Dervish/Launching Roll - Issue with most of these Power Breakouts/Power Immunities is that the change to Usable While Controlled moves with a Damage component not being usable (Grayed-out) during CC aka while Controlled. Before that change you could use every breakout power during CC or even PvP counters - Prime Avatar transition no biggie - a FireTank(Only Tank at the time with a full raid group immunity) could pick the whole group up.

    Now all the Tanks but Earth have 2 Full Raid group immunities, but some of these immunities cannot be used while Controlled due to the Damage component. (Cannot bebised as a pick-up when knocked down) (Earth has an alert group sized meaning breaks theb4 people out but will read as a 3man breakout, attached to a non-PvE tankning power Crystal the Damage Golem pet....in PvE Brick is a much better Tanking Pet than Crystal but they did not include the Immunity granting on Brick....So Earth has 1 non pet AI 7-man (8 because it include a the caster aka Tank) breakout that cannot be used if thebTank is knocked down so he cannot pick himself up....if he is not knocked down then he can use unstoppable to pick up others. (Unstoppable being quirky as the description reads it knocks down enemies -not pushes back...smh)

    But more importantly - if they went back to being able to use Usuable While controlled moves at any time then some of these annoyances would not be issues. If they added the CC effect duration or resistance based on Dominance, in addition to the Immunities always being available.... :)

    Just came to my mind, but Players and AI enemies need a balance - much like how AI enemies can melee tap more than 3 times without taking punishment.....They become immune to the same CC effect being applied. Players should become immune (even if only for 8secs) to the same reapeted CC effects.....ARC knock back/Wing Armor Juggle 3 breakouts from the same CC juggle/ Vengeance Ghosting/ Bastion Turret encasements...
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