There is no such thing as an expert group

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xxxSDxxx, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. xxxSDxxx New Player

    I see people shouting "103cr expert group only" do you all know cr does not you an expert. Having expert mods in all your equipment does not make you an expert. IMO knowing your role and using COMMON SENSE makes you an expert.
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  2. Kristyana New Player

    You sure you're seeing people say "expert" and not "exp"?

    I see people shout for "exp" on USPC all the time and that never means expert, it means experienced.
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  3. Gerbal New Player

    I'm pretty sure they are meaning experienced group. Some people just don't know what they mean. Exp in lfg usually means experienced
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  4. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Right. I think some while ago people got expert and experienced crossed and they don't know what they're shouting for anymore!
    I've seen both and seen people mean both. It cracks me up.
  5. xxxSDxxx New Player

    Got on early before work and I saw at least 5-6 shouts from different toons for expert 103cr group only
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They're referring to people that know what they're doing. But i agree. This mentality that cr makes or breaks you needs to end. 95 cr is more then efficient enough for the T5 raids.
  7. Whiteroom New Player

    I was unaware that Expert refereed to the mods. I always thought Expert was something the dummies said anyway, I figured saying EXP group was a reference to EXPerienced group. IE. A group looking for a smooth run where everyone already knew the ins and outs.
  8. xxxSDxxx New Player

    103cr was required too run Vengeance this morning
  9. Little Sister New Player

    There is if I'm in it.
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Im not a hero, I never ran vengeance, but if its anything like seeds or unpaid, I really hope they were just trolling....
  11. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I've seen both I've responded to 103cr exp needed gtg and had people ask me what's my mods when I join. I started laughing.
  12. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    your right, there is no such thing as an "expert" group b/c "EXP." stands for 'experienced' not 'expert'.
    always has, always will.
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  13. Twilight Man New Player

    I sometimes prefer the 'don't really give a ****' groups. Those guys know how to party.
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  14. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    "warm body needed" = best groups 99% of the time.
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  15. Kristyana New Player

    We'll spend an hour wiping but we'll have a fun time doing it. - Breakforce
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  16. Obsisteret Well-Known Player

    Best shout so far has to be: "Looking for someone who's a bit tipsy for Inner."
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  17. Sore Steadfast Player

    It's like shouting "103 CR Healer 4 Nexus Win Group"

    They think it will increase their odds of beating it as if mediocre players will read that and say, don't grab him because we intend to fail. It's meaningless other than giving you the hint he will probably rage quit if there is even one wipe.
  18. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    If our lazy society spoke in full sentences then we would all know what we mean.

    ......blah blah blah.

    I'm surprised today's generation know what a paper and pencil is and can still read and write.
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  19. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I agree with your overall point. But if by chance people actually are calling for an "expert" group rather than just saying "experienced" they are referring to the things you listed, not your CR. If they were under the impression that CR made you an expert, then they would not have to specify that a 103 cr group is looking for expert players.
  20. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    Personally I like pugging with "exp" groups I find them to be even more successful than 101, 102+ groups. Honestly if someone shouts for a cr that high, they're trying to be carried and if anything goes wrong with those groups, even one simple mistake, you'll find the whole group disbanding pretty darn quick.