GU34: New PvE Vendor Equipment

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Crafty_Crafter, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    For people who don't have HoF DLC and can't use a utility belt. It's the same reasoning as the PvP breakout trinkets. You can still do the old fashion, "I" "Right Click" "I" for trinket swapping.

    Also, no different than the seasonal trinkets that give amazing stats for low level 30s. I remember getting the snowman trinket and wondering why it was so much better than anything I've seen when I was still T1 level.
  2. Lyndi Well-Known Player


    We've gone through 2 updates of Test since start and this is still not fixed. This needs to be fixed
  3. Moods New Player

    Can someone tell me the MoT price for the T4 stuff?
  4. Lyndi Well-Known Player


    The Gladiator's Potent Mask in the T4 vendors has been upgraded to IL 78 and it's cost adjusted accordingly... However, the minimum CR requirement to purchase this mask is still set to cr 43. This needs to be fixed as well
  5. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    A clear header between weapon specification (precision, might, role) would always be welcome. This header could include the specification and perhaps level/cr.

    This would stop any kind of confusion - really this goes for vendors with multiple gear sets as well regardless of them being PVE or PVP.
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  6. Drkittenz New Player

    What's confusing about a weapon that has a higher might to precision ratio or vice-versa. This game is dumbed down enough already, do they really need to do math for people as well?
  7. CGthor Active Player

    I like having Prec and Might based gear/weapons. They have different names and different stats. It does not confuse me. If you wanted to put all of the Prec pieces together and the same for might. That might help in organizing it better. But it doesn't bother me the way it is laid out now.
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  8. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I believe the term is user-friendly.
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  9. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    My concerns stem mainly at the T1 level. They've changed the leveling process so that getting to level 30 is a much faster process than before. You also earn Marks of Triumph as you level. I believe you are able to completely pass over Reknown gear when you hit 30 and go straight into buying T1 armor now. If that's the case, then a brand new level 30 is going to go from wearing whatever gear he can get from drops in missions to vendor gear. In the missions (forgive me if I'm wrong, I haven't leveled since that update was on test) you get minimal choices as rewards. In fact, I believe armor/accessories were automatically added to inventory as there were no options and weapon options were by type (MA, Brawling, Bow, ...) not by might/prec.

    So, the entire time they're learning the game and doing missions and earning gear drops they only know DPS vs. role. That's it. And now, we're giving them a vendor where they can buy gear and they only know whether they want Controller gear or Damage gear. There's nothing to explain the differences to them. Nothing explains why suddenly they have a humongous list of gear/weapon/accessory options or that scrolling further down gives you more damage weapon options. Not to mention the fact that you don't get to choose between might/prec armor, just the gear. I get that we understand the difference. But many people who post on the testing forums have been around the game for a while. We understand the endgame. We understand the gear stats. Many of us are number crunchers as well, so this isn't new or overwhelming for us. However, with the push that DCUO has been making about expanding the playerbase and retaining new players...I would be cautious about how you just throw new gear into the early vendors without adding in some way for players to understand their options.
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  10. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    The way the leveling system works now does not generate enough renown at the point that a character reaches level 30 to be able to unlock faction gear. Renown-wise you only end up with slightly more renown in your mentor's faction than the other ones. (I posted about this in the Bug Reports forum :: )

    The Watchtower/Hall of Doom tour at level 30 completely bypasses the faction vendor.

    From what I can tell faction gear has become obsolete.

    I have leveled up several characters that were created before, still leveling during, and created after the leveling-system change.
    Not only do characters not have enough renown to unlock faction gear at level 30, they also do not get to do all the missions that might be available to them below level 30 related to their mentor.
    (This is really aggravating for me as I like the sub-level 30 content and as a subscriber I thought I had access to more sub-level 30 content than a F2P member. Once you hit level 30, characters are apparently locked out of missions that they did not unlock before hitting level 30. I'm hitting level 30 being forced to running level 23-24 level missions. Some times even tracking back to level 9 missions that don't seem to pop into my journal until level 20.)
    So when I get to level 30 at this point, I have the option of spending my marks on gaining faction renown to unlock the faction gear or just going ahead and buying the gear from the vendor. Guess what? It usually takes more than one commendation to get enough renown to get enough faction renown to unlock the faction gear. So really, it isn't worth unlocking it unless you want the feat for it and, honestly, I don't know how new players are supposed to know it is there unless they stumble upon it; they are not directed to it in any way.
    One option is to run all the bounties when you hit level 30, and that will often push you over the top for enough faction renown to unlock the faction gear. This being said, there is no direction for players to run the bounties at level 30. This is something that they must decide to do on their own, possibly stumbling upon the wanted posters in the PD's once they reach level 30.
    I have taken more than one character strait into the T1 alert for the day as a fresh level 30, completed them, equipped what dropped, and bought what I could at the vendor (and/or wait to purchase until I had run the T1 alert of the day another day).

    So yes, players are bypassing the faction gear but this appears to be by design.

    And, honestly, the mechanic of renown seems to have been retried even before I started playing this game.
    I spent Marks to buy commendations to bump up one characters renown past their mentor's faction's second threshold (I think it' goes friendly then cooperative - but I can't remember off-hand) as a test to see what would happen at the faction vendor and, from what I could tell, it did absolutely nothing at all (perhaps a feat that I ignored).
  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, Renown and Faction gear is really only for feats now, but has been that way for a while. My two hero alts skipped Faction gear entirely and ended up buying that and Renown later for the feats. They were leveled over a year ago.
  12. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I agree, and that's part of my point. If I were a new player creating a character right after this update hits, I'm going to level to 30 and when I get to the WT after hitting 30, I'm not even going to stop at the renown vendor. I'm going to go to my wing of the WT and go to my T1 gear set and start buying pieces. And likely, I'm going to buy the first set of gear I see there. At a vendor, this is Damage. Well, that's great, I'm a new 30, the game doesn't tell me a lot about roles yet beyond being told I can switch and be a controller if I want. So I buy the damage gear. And maybe I'm curious and scroll down and I see weapons and accessories. I'm likely going to buy what I see at the top because yes! a weapon that's got green stats! So I buy whichever damage weapon is listed first, likely precision. And I buy everything else precision because I've got no idea what the difference is. Shoot, I might even buy a controller weapon if I scrolled all the way to the bottom and just bought a weapon as I was scrolling back to the top.

    My point is, the vendors are not new player friendly. Do they make sense to most of us on the forums? Yes. But again, we've been playing the game for a while. We read the forums. We know the nuances of the game and the differences between stats. A fresh 30? They likely will not. And while I applaud this update to vendors, I also think it's making something already a bit confusing even more so for new players.
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Couldn't agree more. As the game has changed, a lot of the original architecture has stayed the same. Renown and the Faction Vendors are a remnant that really should be updated or removed entirely. There is also much that could and should be done to improve messaging to new players about roles and other nuances of the game. There really should be at least an informational session, like from Oracle/Calculator, once you reach level 10 that would describe the support roles. Maybe not an outright tutorial, but something.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I said this during the GU31 thing, there is no point for renown, they should just give the feats and remove it completely. It's defunct and never used outside of the faction gear.
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  15. Lyndi Well-Known Player


    The Guardian's Potent Mask is still listed as minimum CR to buy of 43!! this needs to be CR 70!! You can't say i didn't post about it in time as i said something about this last week. And here it's going to live like that in less than 24 hours!!