Whats The Worst Part of DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by neidler, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Atomic Icemaker New Player

    And come on the freezes really it frezzes roughly 4 times or more every 2 hrs I knew we would have issues bringing another system to the same server over crowded
  2. Lantern Flash Committed Player


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  3. Disatria New Player

    I'd say trolling as well. It's very tedious and has no real differences when it comes to changing troll powers unlike tanking healing and dpsing which have different styles to do their roles troll is just that role that the devs don't really have to think about when developing a new power. It's play style stays the same so all they have to do is come up with abilities that CC. Lol if I was a dev troller would be the most anticipated role power in the line up when it comes to releasing a new power. "Phew the next power is a troll we got this locked up guys"
  4. Ice Lantern New Player

    Yeah, they really need to revamp controlling.
  5. TITAN THAANOS New Player

    I relate to & agree with this comment %100
  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i pretty much agree with all three of these things. but. this game is Very good , like other SOE mmos its very different and awesome, the combat alone is a breakthrough, you look at how good SWG and the EverQuest games. they all have made a great impact on how mmos are viewed and judged.
  7. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    (I like to pretend I'm bad ***)
  8. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    1) selfish /obnoxious players
    2) limited customizations
    3) unfixed exploits
    4) llack of consistent content.
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  9. GuyWhoSaysGood New Player

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  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Targeting System-This has been an issue since day 1. Why the concept of proximity targeting is completely lost on the devs is beyond me. When fighting, I'm not going to stop what I'm doing, hold L1, and use my direction buttons to find the right target. I'm going to swing away (hopefully) at the enemy right in my face but noooooo, the targeting system hones in on something a mile away be it a mop bucket or the mob that's a mile away so I'm fighting 2 mobs. Don't care how geared you are eventually 2 mobs are going to hurt you...a lot. I mean, even after the so called 'fix' it's gotten worse to the point that I don't even get the red target icon for the enemy in my face meaning it's almost like the devs purposely make it so it targets the furthest thing away.

    Community-I have never been around so many immature and disrespectful people in my life AND I WORK IN A PRISON FOR A LIVING. Even when I try to be helpful I get snide or idiotic remarks in return. For example, when someone spams something like "100CR HEALER LOOKING FOR NEXUS GROUP" over and over again, I politely tell them that they might want to try LFG chat and get a kind of "mind your own Fing business" reply. This doesn't count the endless trade spam in shout or the inane banter between 2 players who are slinging insults back and forth or who are talking like sailors on a dock. You want to curse each other out, do it in tell. Also, I've seen some pretty disgusting names of both players and leagues. One person's name took pleasure in sexually assaulting women. I had no qualms reporting them. Need I mention that these disgusting handles were on the hero side? Thing is, the community didn't take this hard turn south until it went F2P. It's easy to act the fool knowing that if you get banned you're not out any money.

    "Random" Drops-Should drops be so infrequent that it might cause someone to just give up? I don't mind rare items like Brainiac Back Cannons or the Kick Me sign but to make style pieces uber, uber rare makes no sense. And to tie these pieces into feat points is down right ludicrous.

    That's all for now.
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  11. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    The person you are replying to is apparently a pro-farmer that is disgusted at lower level content.
    Instead of posting what they dislike about the game, the only joy they find is an attempt to annoy and belittle other players.
  12. Agent Flores Committed Player

    In my opinion, the worst part of this game is playing with Elitist. They tend to take this way to serious and ruin the game for casual people. I'm sure others have different opinion on this. :)
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  13. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    Ruin the game for players that want to farm maybe because apparently that's all they want to do and all they think an MMO is.

    I agree with the person that you are replying to. This is not a billed as a FARMING game. This is a super-hero MMO.
    I play this game to be a super-character not a farmer. Farming and grinding are boring and lack investment in the genre.

    You may think that grinding and farming make an MMO, but you are sadly mistaken. Grinding is a method of player retention once the actual MMO gameplay/content is completed.
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  14. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i base my opinions of the general community from most of the racist and homophobic junk i hear that leaks out of what some people consider to be their brains. general dishonesty, seemingly violent tantrums, a total lack of respect for anyone ele and from what i've gathered we have a lot of very bad parents playing this game who ignore, yell at and threaten to punish their children if they don't leave them alone.

    this is not to say there aren't players or leagues out there that i', quite fond of. there are a lot of good players out there too.

    its weird how one moment i can be in a group that disgusts me and within moments i can be in another that is nothing but fun. this is why i keep telling people that if you find yourself in a bad spot just move on...you'll be moving onto something better fast.
  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Clearly the fact that there are no bathrooms in the Watchtower.

    Yikes! :)
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the worst thing about DCUO is the community that plays it hands down
  17. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I need to add in weapon drops. What is the point of choosing a weapon, using that weapon to level up to level 30 which includes getting better weapons through mission completion, only to get to level 30 and have that weapon cease dropping? If I spec DP, everything but drops. 1H, everything but drops. DW, ditto. Bow, ditto. And I'm specifically talking about the unattuned drops from boss in higher content. My main has been a 1H user since January of 2011 and the best 1H I ever got was from the CC vendor and that was over a year ago.
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  18. Doc Holliday New Player

    Tbh IMO it's the way the game is run from top to bottom with customer support for PS being somewhere in the middle.
  19. Nebula153 Well-Known Player

    The community is the most valid complaint in this entire thread. It's sad really. Want proof? Go on the USPS server, and add 5v5 chat, if any moderators looked at the chat countless players would be banned.
  20. SinReplica New Player

    1. Unacceptable customization options (outfits aside, it's just sad)
    2. Clunky combat (tolerable, but it can be a pain at times)
    3. PVP (a true tl;dr situation I won't get into)
    4. Lack of a decent single player campaign (so much potential)
    5. Community (like others have said, some go above and beyond - funny enough it's mostly on hero side)
    ?. Rings, rings, rings, and more rings (don't shoot me)