Powerset Revamps

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by MeNtAlx187, Sep 18, 2013.

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  1. LonelyGiants New Player

    Just as much damage per second as any other power? Sorcery is bottom of the barrel DPS right now. If a Sorcery user can keep up with a HL, the HL is doing something wrong. I'm not saying Sorcery is worthless, but it certainly isn't top tier.

    I really don't see why people keep insisting that the powers are balanced. As nice as that fantasy is, it's just not true. Especially in a game with vastly different powersets like this.

    Nature DPS is actually pretty decent. Even with plenty of worthless powers, it can still wreck things.
  2. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    Clown is a clown.
    If we are basing powers on single tiers, then yes in some t5 content if the other dps aren't geared you can actually spread your dots. Even by the time you spread your dots how many combos has a hl user got of? It's not even complicated, look up *DPS* and educate yourself.

    Can there be a separate forum for decent players who aren't sheeple that believe sorcery dps and HL dps are equal roflmao.
  3. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    Nature can be decent in the right hands, but it still needs to be brought up a little bit imo.
  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    With that statement right there we all now that you have never done T5 raids.
  5. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    I didn't say raids. DEEEHDEHDEEEH

    Illiterate clown.
  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    When talking about high tier dps and mentioning T5 content. That means raids. No one cares about someone out dpsing them in an alert.
  7. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    Promoted from ordinary clown to joker henchman.
  8. CuNFuZioN New Player

    LOL everyone should just ignore this thread, the OP is just a bad dps complaining because he cant do anything without HL, celestial or gadgets. Nature DPS is GOOD, if you think there is no time to spread dots then i suggest you go on youtube and search a nature dps guide, or at least watch some nature dps gameplay in T5 raids, because you've obviously never been in a T5 raid LOL. and im normally a HL dps so i know how it is, but i also play nature dps and know that i put up good numbers with both. Dont talk about how bad powers are for dps when its probably just you being bad at dps with those powers LOL
  9. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    When you suck at the game and have no skill, every power is going to feel the same. When you suck withe HL and you suck with nature, yea you probably won't see a difference. It's not until you can do maximum dps with each that you see it.

    It's not even remotely close. You are just another ignorant nooby that was told "every power is equal" and ran with it. It's probably that you get out dpsd by nature as HL and to make yourself feel better you can't accept that you are just absolutely terrible.

    Truth hurts sometimes.
  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    So being top dps in T5 alert and ops matters? Got it.
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  11. FeelsGood New Player

    dude you talking about things you don't know.

    Learn to clip

    Karmic Hex (Which helps sorcery) or Phase Dodge if you're superspeed
  12. CuNFuZioN New Player

    LOLOLOL if im a noob try to outdps me - Total Kontrol, nature dps, usps3 villain. i hardly get outdpsd on my HL, almost the same on my nature. You're dumb AF LOL, i never said every power is equal, just that nature dps is good, youre just bad and have no idea how to use it. I cant speak for electricity/sorcery because i havent played enough with them, LOL you're just a bad dps who cant put up half decent numbers with near half the powers on this game so you come cry about how bad they are.
  13. Biskits New Player

    Electric is not in need of a revamp, Electric is acctually extremely good in T5 Raids, Yes Sorcery and Nature need the Revamp towards the effects and most of its skills.
  14. Lantern Landen New Player

    You're the only "clown" here bro. Sorry to break it to you, but these powers can be very effective has a dps. It depends on the player. If you suck with them, I'm sorry, but that gives you no reason to claim they are underpowered and need buffing. That just displays what I like to call the "poor loser" syndrome.

    I'm beginning to wonder if you're even trying to have an intelligent debate anymore, since you keep attempting (and failing) to troll 13igtyme
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  15. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    Are you mentally handicapped? Funny how these Hard Light users are coming out of there easy-mode powerset to try and say other powers don't need buffed. It's actually pathetic that you are that scared of a partially level playing field. Probably why this community is held in such low regards.
  16. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    The problem with Sorcery is that half the powers are either summons or heals. That's the main reason why Sorcery is limited in DPS: there's too little to choose from to begin with. However, as far as DPS is concerned, the only things that actually need working out on are Wrath, Transmutation and Soul Storm, all belonging in the Summoning Tree. Maybe change Baleful Transmogrification into a 50% supercharge too. Every other DPS powers are either decent or excellent. I mean, who could say no to WoD, CoP or Final Ruin?
  17. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Earth needs a revamp, that much is true. Sorc needs a boost or two also and is pretty boring to play because the variety is awful. Nature is boss, but there you've got almost zero variety in the load out. Electricity is still a top dps power set with the right build. None of them really compare to Celestial, Gadgets, Quantum, or Hard Light. Expect a 10-20% dps output boost if you switch over.
  18. The Incredible Fly New Player

    Every power is equal. If you think otherwise, you're not using it right.

    I would agree that some of the power trees need to be reworked as well as giving them a complete overhaul in regards to animations. I feel like Nature and Earth in particular look very poorly done at times. Otherwise, their effectiveness in battle is determined by the player.
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  19. Lantern Landen New Player

    My hard light is a controller, because frankly I hate DPSing. My main is a celestial healer, and I have a fire tank. NO DPSES. So I'm on neutral ground. I'm going from my experience in consulting OTHER people in these matters.

    This community is held n such low regards because a$$holes like you come on and start acting high and superior and down right insulting people who disagree with you. Like you just did with me, and like you've been doing to 13igtyme this entire thread. I hope you feel big, you can insult people over the Internet because they don't share your opinions. Bottom line, you are not contributing to ANYTHING OR ANYBODY by insulting them when they have a differing opinion, and thus you are adding to this "community that is held in such low regard" by starting a thread just to attack people who disagree with you.

    Another thing: you haven't even addressed the points others have made regarding the powersets. You simply call them "mentally handicapped" if you have a different opinion than somebody else, fine. Debate it with them in a pleasant, constructive manner. That's what these forums are for, not for immature insults that you seem so fond of spewing out.

    I'm sorry that you suck with these powers, but obviously the powers themselves aren't the problem (with the exception of earth) as people have responded to you saying they are a very good (insert power here) dps.

    But I digress. Though as I leave, I will gift you with one thought:
    If you think these powers suck so bad, why not try them in the role they were DESIGNED for?

    Feel free to respond if you're actually going to put up an a intelligent response instead of insulting me again.
  20. MeNtAlx187 New Player

    So you have no dps experience and you thought you know more than other people who have extensive experience with the powers? Typical.

    I insulted 13igtyme because the kid posted 4 times in a row that consisted of nothing more than "your wrong" with nothing to back it up. I insulted you because you are a HL user with no experience with these powers saying they don't need a buff. Wasn't hard to tell even before you admitted it. THAT is why this community is laughed at, people like you who are completely clueless yet still argue.

    The "i'm sorry you suck" routine was old a long time ago. Can you back this up at all? I never said you couldn't be competent if you try hard enough but going from sorcery to a decent power you will see a big increase in dps.

    Again your ignorance is staggering. Who says i don't play the other roles lol? I just want to toss a bone to those other dps out there. I don't use any of these powers anymore but i'm not scared of more competition and more variety. I'm tired of seeing the same powers every time.
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