SOE Recruit Reward Program: The Rewards

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ObsidianChillSucks, Sep 12, 2013.

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  1. crownclownking New Player

    lol and then people say is not p2w
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  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    For myself, I am not sure its worth it moneywise or effortwise.

    Like seriously, that is just too much work for me. I am one lazy guy.
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  3. Notangie New Player

    THIS is pay-to-win. THE best utility belt, with all wildcards, and the only way to get it is to get get people to sign-up.

    I don't think replay badges are pay2win (you often reset and get nothing), but this definitely is. $250=guaranteed best gear...smh
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  4. crownclownking New Player

    i hope they dont bring this to the ps3 side. I mean sure they could milk it better over here since we are like more than half the population but still .
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  5. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    if i was still in college i could have gotten this in like a day
  6. Thechemicals New Player

    this is so i have something more to do than gets feats.... gj paying 200+ dollars for those items.
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  7. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Should have been more than $10
  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Yeah, I guess I actually thought he got 25 new people to play the game, not just spending money and making accounts.....

    It would be nice to actually add to the games population, but not if it's just going to be people spending $250 for it.
  9. Elusian Crowd Control

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  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Grats Chill! Im still at Rank 0 but my tracker does tell me some people are playing now
  11. Notangie New Player

    What issue? The link sent me to an error page.
  12. Thechemicals New Player

    That belt blows away anything you can earn by playing. Better get your debit card out and start making accounts.
  13. Kevington New Player

    Are the belts one per account or can they be redeemed by alts as well?
  14. Little Sister New Player

    I think the program is a great way to get people to play the game and pump money into it. I really want that Utility Belt.

    However, I think it is totally messed up that it's not available for PS3 players. Either make it available to everyone, or don't make it at all. I am really disappointed in the Developers.
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  15. YodaDog New Player

    So now I need to sell this game to people to get the best belt? Ridiculous.

    Hopefully this never makes it over to my world...
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  16. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    If this comes to PS3 I'll likely quit playing. I'm not going to spend any extra time or money trying to recruit people so I can get the best gear in a game I'm already paying for.

    Please. SOE can kiss my ***.
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  17. Elusian Crowd Control


    sry, this one
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  18. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Would have been behind this if they offered like some free months or even replay badges or something. But this seems like a trend that will affect in game competition. And to have to market to get the best gear in a game you are already breaking bread on is asinine.

    I'm paying for the game. And you're telling me I can't earn the best gear in the game by playing it? That I have to either spend $250.00 or recruit 20-25 people.

    I would Looooooooove to have a word with the person that came up with this terrible idea.
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  19. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Should've named utility belt "Pay2Win".
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  20. MercPony Devoted Player

    While I find it a bit unfair that only PC users currently have access to this, I also am hoping it doesn't go to the PS3 side any time soon. I can foresee a lot of problems and the community already has enough egotists as it is.
    • Like x 2
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