Deadmeat descriped the new loot system different!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Clip, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. DeadMeat Well-Known Player

    Statistically your chances are still better under the new system of getting the gear that you are looking for, even with a perfect group (meaning no one is also looking for the same pieces as you are and everyone is on complete agreement on 'need'). For every story of bad luck, there are equal stories of good luck. With the changes to the loot, the additional tier 5 content, and everything else there are just so many vectors to get what you want in order to be competitive. If you are truly going after the absolute highest level gear in every category in the game it will be a challenge. This is how it should be and this is what we are striving towards moving forward.

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  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Out of the few wave and nexus runs I did yesterday on each last boss I only got one drop....spent almost an hour in wave and all I got was a tank waist. Now I'm not complaining that is wasn't my role but not even a base item or focusing element??? One single drop just seems a little mehh..

    I know you can't get lucky all the time but I just figured when we got our own loot we would atleast get a piece of gear and a base item or Focusing element.
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  3. IGotYA New Player

    I don't understand the need for reducing the amount of gear drop,its like we are going to
    always get something for our role there.
    revert it back or improve the chances of it dropping 87 gear/weapons.
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  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Just want to clarify a little with math... i've posted it all over the place but people keep complaining :(, first though, if in a perfect world and no competition for loot it is slightly worse, but in a real world on avg it's the same or better.

    Basically you have 5 types of armor, Prec, Might, Healer, Tank, Troll.

    So chances of getting one of the types you want is 1/5

    In the old system you had 2 drops of that, so it's a 2/5

    BUT, you had to roll against other people, Rolling against no one is 2/5 chances, so tanks are solid.
    2 people rolling it's a 1/5
    3 people rolling it's a 2/15
    4 people rolling it's a 1/10

    New system it's a 1/5 chance, strait up, no one to roll against to lower your odds.

    So tanks it's a decrease, DPS an increase, and heal/troll the same, assuming the standard group setup.

    Of course there is also weapons, but those would follow the same general principle, if you are rolling against 1 other person then you're chances are unchanged, if you are rolling aginst no one, your chances are slightly lower, if rolling against more than 1 then your chances have improved.

    I am curiouis though deadmeat, the time traveler style pieces are they the same droprate or were they lowered? If it wasn't lowered to scale then we've actually increased our chances on that bonus loot as instead of sharing one we each get our own.

    Overall things are about the same or better on avg.

    Tanks and good leagues may not like it as they have less odds for tanks and in a good league it's nice to be able to choose who gets the loot. But, overall it's removing any loot drama from ever happening which is SWEET. And again, thank you Deadmeat and crew.
  5. Shaveric Committed Player

    New idea- Have everyone be able to trade the gear they got within the instance and when they leave the instance the gear loot becomes untradeable. That could work with this new loot system.
  6. Whiteroom New Player

    Thats been suggested a few times, and shot down a few times. What you are really asking here is for the old loot system with 4-8 times the loot. I wonder how many people would get called a Ninja and crapped on because they wanted to keep the off role loot they received.
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  7. Shaveric Committed Player

    I see your point. Hmm.......... maybe the role of the loot should depend on what role your in instead.
  8. Whiteroom New Player

    I don't agree with this either, if all loot styles come for all roles, its a little better. But yes, I like to have a set in each role at the ready, and I don't like taking others chance at their own. The new loot system is amazing for this.
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  9. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    I assume that when you say guaranteed you mean it is supposed to? I know I have been in numerous Nexus runs where all that dropped was 1 piece and an FE5.

    Also stating it now drops a guaranteed 8 pieces of gear plus a chance at plans or more is maybe the intention but it is not happening. 2 Nexus runs so far have not worked that way. In one I received just an FE5 and in the second run another group member just received an FE5.

    So if players are supposed to be guaranteed 1 piece of gear at least then somewhere in the coding there is a mistake. Hopefully it can be corrected.
  10. XODUIS Committed Player

    You catered to all the PUGs who whine about Ninja Looting but what about us? The people who have leagues and friends they run with where we have a civilized loot system?? Thats exactly why i said you guys should make new loot system optional.
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  11. Gwalir Loyal Player

    Actually, League runs should be barely affected.

    Previously, anytime boss would drop one item one item, one person from your League would get it. Under the current system, considering each player has a one in four chance of getting an item that is the role they are playing. That means for anything outside of an 8-man Instance, one player would get still something that is their role just as it was before, as long as their is one of each role. In an 8-man Instance however, two from your League would get something on average, meaning your League actually benefited from this change due to getting twice as many drops.

    If a boss drops two items like the final bosses of 8-man Instances used to, 2 people would get something just like they do now as I mentioned above. The only time the old way would be better is if you were trying to gear up just one person by giving him both drops, but that would be only an average of 1/16 times (1/4 x 1/4) for both pieces to be the same role. That's not even factoring in the fact everyone in the League has a chance of getting a second piece of gear, which I have no idea what the odds are, thus making it hard to factor. :D

    An easy way to tell if the old way is better is to figure out how many from your group got an item that was of their role from each boss, and compare it to the old way, which is one per non-final 8-man boss and 2 for the final boss of an 8-man.
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  12. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    As I said in another thread this system is the old system!! Difference being is that everyone now automatically needs on everything!!
  13. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    As i also said we need to be able to compare what your getting now to what u was greeding or passing on before!! Another perspective to consider is what do all of you have hoarded up in your inventorys and banks??
  14. NightBandit New Player

    Round Robin anyone?
  15. NightBandit New Player

    Wrong. The game profits with all the power respec tokens being sold and so you profit by being able to continue playing he game.

    Btw- I like the new loot system.
  16. Green Lee New Player

    What I would like to know is why haven't you guys cut the BS and just make the game drop the loot of the role you currently are in. It will save all the headache and crying. This is why I haven't been on and let my subscription expire over a month ago. I got tired of the stupid decisions made in this game. Your loot should drop for the role you are in period, not where you run a raid for hours and maybe get scrap, maybe. But I guess excuses will be excuses and your wallets will get fatter from replays and other crap, keep up the good work guys at this rate you'll bring more players to other MMO's. Seriously, there has to be some common sense there somewhere.
  17. WonderValkyrie New Player

    I dont think anything the devs do will ever stop all the crying and whining. Here the devs give us a system that rewards every player in a group, giving every player SOMETHING to take back with them, sure sometimes its salvage but you were not even guaranteed that in the old system. Its mind boggling ppl are complaining and trying to find anything wrong with a system that gives loot to all. I have now seen everything from this game and i now know nothing the devs do will ever EVER please some ppl.
  18. XODUIS Committed Player

    Make it optional, simple.
  19. LisaLoeb New Player

    Jeeze, people....just say it already you bunch of crybabies. 'Devs please with each dlc release just give each player full sets of everything they need for role and off role.'

    They made loot perfect now and people still cry.
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  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's fine as it is :) In fact it's better than fine. It's great! Best decision they've made, probably ever, regarding a change to the game. A one truly everyone can benefit from. Maybe not every time, but definitely more than on the old, dated loot system.

    All problems and complaints with the system are to do with the loot tables. Also the fact that the best available gear in the game can't be purchased, but is dependent on beating the odds in a weekly reset raid. Nothing to do with the mechanics of how it is distributed once it drops and everything to do with what is selected to drop.

    Moral of the T5 armor story in preparation for T6? Don't make the best achievable gear set in the game one which drops randomly on a loot table containing a massive amount of items. Make 1 gear set earned through completing solos, duos, alerts, bounties etc. Make this gear set perfectly capable of running the T6 raids, where a second currency is earned for completing them. This second currency buys the highest item level gear available with gear of varying levels dropping in the raids as well as weapons.
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