What’s that persons name? Artifacts are being reset lol what else you want? Shouldn’t concern you after the arts are reset cause now nobody that...
I’ll take that as a no lol
Would it replace the replays or the tokens we didn’t get?
Not getting any tokens from the elite raid, resetted it 3 times and got no type of tokens just renown and gen mods
Don’t be butt hurt, it’s all good lmao what I typed went with what he said. You reaching for someone who’s toooo far for you lol
That’s the thing the raids and everything else compliments the diversity. You can have fun with any tank power in the raids, don’t gotta make a...
Still don’t see what he’s saying if I’m wrong with what I typed
A style is worse than a name lol there’s multiple of that style but 1 of that name. I don’t understand why I gotta explain that after you said “...
I tend to don’t read so correct me if I’m wrong. You want SM nerfed or you want tank powers and other powers to be more similar in SM? Either way...
Name what you got and I’ll see :)
Separate names with a comma.