The issues i've had appear like horrible LAG/delay. 1. PS3, PS4, or PC? PS4 2. Have you seen this before GU43? I can't say for certain, but it...
Lag has been unbearable at times for me on the PS4. I'll see adds teleporting around the instance and I'll be attacking a group of adds with my...
If the purpose is to put everyone on an equal playing field, then there should be no gear progression in PVP. Just add new styles to the pvp...
Can someone explain how this system works or provide a link? Is it based on the entire team? I've tried searching, but after reading through so...
I know a lot of price sensitive people who will leave this game over this.
My only problem with the bundles is they're pay to win or pay for a chance to win. Your paying real money for a chance at rare aura's that can be...
Something similar happended to me about a few days ago. I logged in and saw that I was premium. This did not make any sense because I never turned...
Do lockboxes award symbols of power at a certain cr?
Two Questions: 1) Do donations you make/dematerialize count against the league prestige weekly soft & hard cap. 2) Once your league reaches the...
As a dps I always grab the crystal in the T6 alert and drop it by the troller hoping he will pick it up. If I just leave it in the corner, I'll...
Between us, the only one crying and whining is you. Crying and whining has nothing to do with your position on the subject matter, just your...
I'm in a league. I'm entitled. Yawn.
I wasn't aware base bonuses were exclusive to leagueless players.
I understand some of the arguments from the league side. Group goals are great and and a group working together can achieve more than one person...
Separate names with a comma.