UK born & bred... The name looks fine to me. It's meaning is pretty much irrelevant seeing as many people here are of different countries & speak...
As above... My subscription payment was taken last week and I have not yet received any Loyalty points or replay badges. Been playing for a few years...
Teleporter mods and generator mods seem to drop randomly, I've had a few of each drop from T3 solos & duos, and not just bosses, random trash mobs...
EUPS3, after GU37 I had no sound at all. The hotfix only gave me 'combat' sounds, ambient sounds and animation/movie sounds. I still have no voices...
Thanks, I'll try it. Though I'm not hopeful as the dps I was with the other day uses mostly melee combat not ranged.
Within my many characters I have healers and trolls with different powers, some are still in lower level of tier 4/5, cr70-90. The introduction of WM...
If you want to be able to reach T5 or T6 I recommend you get at least one of the T4 DLCs. Personally I'd go with Hand of Fate.
Great idea, though the way the brokers prices currently stand for even the simplest items on most servers now, a $10k cap for this tier of...
MAYBE you should learn to read a whole post/thread before posting your own comment. My post was not about ranting and raving, I was merely...
Congratulations. Have a cookie. Re-read the thread then come back when you can be more constructive or helpful. Thanks B I'll do that.
Thanks Johnny, THIS ^^ should be applied to Atlantean Monarch.
Thank you, thats the main thing I'm after.
I understand your point, BUT all of the above could only be obtained while with Legendary or DLC. You could still buy and use the Atlantean...
Separate names with a comma.