I don't believe I was here for any of those things. Looking at my latest forum messages, I think I was last playing the game in early 2014/late...
Hi everyone. It's been a few years (two or three) since I last played DCUO, and I was thinking about trying it again. Before I do so, however, I...
That's a shame to hear. Well thank you for all the information :) If anyone has any other opinions, please do share them.
I'm a rather PvP oriented guy, so if it's not too popular, perhaps I shouldn't resub. Furthermore, from the information Kryptonian Being...
How would you say the population is, compared to a year ago or so? Also, would you say the community is more PvE or PvP focused?
Hi everyone :) I've been on hiatus from DCUO for about a year now, and I just wanted to stop in and check on how things are going. Do you, the...
Co's graphics are not as good, and it's a more.. Simple game, from what I've heard. Dcuo is all about power interactions and team planning and...
Well now, I feel lucky that I get to play dcuo. Many people can't. Feel lucky for what you have.
These things will be figured out. I thought of these things when armories were first mentioned, but I trust the devs also think of them, and they...
A 78 ring can be found in the Arkham home turf dailies, it's at the 5 day final boss. Also, in inner t4, a 76 or 78 necklace drops, so if you...
Heroes or villains side
Interesting. You will be hearing from me.
Capes already flap around, I think we are fine as we are, but good spotting
Separate names with a comma.