If it's not too much to ask, can all dummies behave like this? Please???:D
Is it possible to make these dummies maintain a hit counter in order to test HL and other rotations using the Relentless Precision Mod?
Weird, on the watchtower sparring targets, even when electrified, I'm only able to hit 1 target with Voltic bolt, pretty sure when I tested it...
Nope, you're doing it wrong then... Synthetics affect your cr the SAME EXACT WAY crafted mods affect your cr. Get your fact straight. It's...
Is test server back up??? Not home to check, but I see test server notes
Fire tanks
Wow, I think you need to double check your numbers... It's 200 mov for a win and 100 for a loss. If you complete AND WIN each match in an...
full set... I thought that was implied when I said "50,000 MoV vs. 50 MoF" and "to fully mod yourself". If you really did agree with me,...
Few things you are missing: -The mods were made to not affect CR, so PVP players don't power level their low level toons so easily through...
Blocking Mastery
Mepps with the damage control, lol
Is there a reason that Voltaic Bolt doesn't have the same AOE as Harvest? Aren't they essentially the same type of move?
I think he means Prefabs, since synthetics effects CR. But yeah, prefabs having the best stats, yet not effecting CR is misleading and makes equipped...
Separate names with a comma.