I mean it's quite hard since you really need storage etc so you can keep track of your things. That comes with user management etc etc etc. I...
Yikes ok thanks, no way to get rid of these augments then lol
Tried to fortify my World of Flashpoint augment with the ones from Long live the Legion but it is not coming up as an option. I have double checked...
If in doubt https://www.urbandictionary.com/ - you will find some alternative meanings to words there :) my best guess why it is filltered...
I would like to know this too :) Been trying to find out based on some YoutTbe vids posted but none of them reveal their over all CR before using it.
Here is a google sheets for you, copy and make it your own :)...
Completely got your wrong in your other post. The maths to calculate that is: Your overall CR / 115% + Modifier Modifiers: Green = 2 Blue =...
Just thought I'd mention. These % were grabbed out of the Javascript from https://odyssey-gaming.netlify.app/cr-calculator I have a handy...
Copied it out of my excel, that is just the sum of all percentages in the column, can ignore that :)
This is the calcs I use :) Back: 9.20% Chest: 13.80% Face: 3.45% Feet: 6.90% Hands: 6.90% Helmet: 12.65% Legs: 13.80% Neck:...
Found it, if you open Maps (M) then go to the ally screen, then links are busted. If you go to your inventory a (I) then it is not broken. The...
Separate names with a comma.