Thanks. That sucks tbh.
Hopefully someone knows
I play both games, they dont have as many things to buy so I was wondering if it helps them or not.
I'll let you in on a secret. I know how to buy stuff and earn money. The problem however is that I dont get to spend time with the people I want to...
Thanks for stating the obvious. You know what. You have convinced me. They definitely need to nerf doomspin now for your sake. It's just numbers...
Lol I'm not home enough to need that and maintaining the house is the gfs job xP Thanks for the offer though
Yeah totally. I make $120k a year, have a house with 50 acres of land that's paid off. 2 cars I've always wanted, a dodge ram 3500, 2 bikes and...
I take it you're just against gadgets at this point lol. Jsyk mental and rage can perform better and nature stomps rn. Everything is dependent on...
Legendary is the way to go only because planetside 2 is fun as hell. Dcuo kind of loses its luster every now and then especially when it's the...
I guess. I just don't see why people are complaining about doomspin though. Theres 2 other weapons that do comparable damage and depending on your...
Every powerset has the ability to clip. If it bothers you so much put down $10 and play gadgets or make a new toon, it's a free power. You're doing...
Theres actually a lot of intelligent things in the movie but it's more for hardcore starwars fans to pick up on, the normies wont understand it. If...
It's not the stealth clips is suppressor turret and self destruct clipping that helps the most. Basically the amount of front loaded damage...
I think the gold spammers are more moral than dbg at this point
Separate names with a comma.