At the first boss, Harley is standing in Stompa's way and because of this, she can't escape to the boom tube and the fight isn't finishing.
That was wendsday, when we asked you to not greenlight the new episode becasue of the lag. Now its sunday, you didn't even said a single word...
Any green mofo?
Instead of asking big, I would love to fix some core problems first. Here is a little list, what bothers me since years: - Why the characters not...
As long as we have sh*t eaters, they can offer sh*t without hesitation.
God, I just had to log on to put ignore that dude...
So this "thing" is equal to 2*Alan Wake 2 game, according the price tag. Defend this...
A new and non incompetent dev team.
Hey greens, its almost 1 month and still not fixing this...
Hey Devs! Thank God you are reworking the emote system, because the game is fine and there is none of anything that need to be reworked or...
I copied the dll, but first time it didn't work, and second time it was.
Ok, I don't know how and why, but it works again atm.
After I realized that It didn't work again, I uninstalled the game, remove everything, and installed it again to be fresh. This time via Steam. After...
Separate names with a comma.