this again..
the sad thing is I had no problems yesterday, so yeah,..this sucks.
same I was logged in for like 2min then was DC'ed and its the same thing, I either can't get the launchpad to connect or it connects and won't open...
are the only people having log in issues, PC users, cause its starting to feel that way.
I have to say I am really hoping you devs are listening to what the people are tell you, cause I don't want this game to cave after so long, and I...
got dc'ed, and now my launcher is acting like it has no Internet conection,,..come on guys...
Same thing happened to me started a duo and I could not leave, or warp base or HQ, and could only exit game not even switch character.
Yes, Mepps is just hte guy that has to deal with all the rageaholics freaking out cause they cant do what they want, when they want, becouse this...
<----*drops mic, throws arms up in the air, and waves them around like He just doesn't care*;)
:mad: <---don't look like this DCUO will be back eventually,..its not like the game is never coming back..WAIT!! ITS NEVER COMING BACK!!!!..nah...
Thanks Mepps,..Now I know why your toon looks like Elvis,..cause your the King! XD
Hey it could be worse...they could say thanks for playing but we are retireing DCUO thanks for your years of support. XD
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