Apr 11, 2013
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    Teamwork = Immortality (DCUO Axiom Alliance)


    In the Internet
    US PC/PS
    SuperKilln Bio:
    A man, "Secret Identity," was video gaming when he saw a small object crawl up his leg. He jumps
    out of his chair, headset ripping from the computer, and instantly swats at the odd bug on his leg. All to
    late.... The bug had pierced the gamer "Secret Identity." He overlooks the room. No sight of the bug, but
    dizzy he feels. He falls, faints, and collapses. He (Secret Identity) was found by his friends later.........DEAD!

    Days later at the morgue...
    He awakes... eyes glued shut from freezer burn, cold, scared. He feels a tug on his feet, then another.
    He feels as if there are several tiny hands on his legs. It's as if he's being pulled down into "somewhere."
    He has summoned of all his rage instantaneously forcing his drive to stay alive and lets it all out at a
    moment. He bursts into flames "enflames", immediately he sees light again from the door while busting
    off the door to his death locker. As he looks about, still on fire, he freaks out and pushes himself with
    extreme power out the container.. His force being so strong combined with the thought of his situation.
    The dead one fly's through the air and hits the back wall! Damaging the concrete and anything else that
    got into his path. He looks around to see where he was. Still in his groggy state, he notices a body sits in
    the corner, of what looks to be a morgue. Sitting on top of the body is the door morgue locker.
    Wondering if he was killed by his hand, he listens for a heartbeat.... Without taking a step he focuses his
    hearing, immediately his flames dissipate. He hears the heartbeat, good he thought. Too the mans right
    he notices a mirror, walks over and looks into it... Disgusted by his deformation he, throws up after two
    seconds of gazing. Curiously he looks again, ripped flesh, autopsy X", marking the dead across his chest.
    In sadness and frustration he falls to his knees, and lowers his head, and hands...

    Seconds pass...
    He starts too feel a strong tingle pulsing over his alive undead body. Then quickly a flash goes, as if a
    "flash bang" went off, too darkness again...

    Minutes pass..
    He awakes again... Regains his sight after a brief daze. Awoken for his eyes to gaze upon what look like
    to be an alien ship. Trapped again, he says to himself with a since of hopelessness "Freedom!" Upon
    closer inspection he noticed others trapped in capsules. Where they being transported?, shocked?, and
    possibly experimented on all in coma, or awake state? What is happening? His thoughts went too places,
    are they farming us?, for food?, using us for war?!, or using us for some sick universal plan.

    Being in fear of his oncoming situation, for himself and the human race, being free was the only option!
    A shock to his neck again, just like the bug sting. No he thinks angrily! He conjures the innate power
    again and starts beating the transparent shield in front of him. The shield breaks, he stands there
    repeating thoughts of vengeance and a hunger for power started to cycle through his half dead skull.

    The now alive, free standing, fist clinched hero says
    "I will run, cut, split, knock, break, tumble, smack, shot, blowup, or even behead any obstacle in my path."He states louder this "Secret identity" is no
    more. I will be loved and feared as "SuperKilln!"

    SuperKilln takes a deep breath and thinks to himself, "I can feel the power out there. Skill waiting for me,
    and "I'm hungry for vengeance"