?? Come on don’t give me that we are not discussing the time Company’s approve a patch. We are talking about them approving cross play for DCUO...
Yeah other games get approved but not yet DCUO and you want me to ask Sony And others why they are not approving DCUO instead of the devs giving us...
?? The Devs cant tell us why themselves why they cant get approved?. If it’s a legal reason why cant they just say it’s because its a legal reason...
Umm no, better yet why wont the DCUO devs just tell us why those companies refuse to approve DCUO but approve other games
Nope because Dead by Daylight just became capable today wasn’t yesterday. And they got approval from all platforms why cant DCUO. And there’s a...
So Dead by Daylight just became Cross Play capable being able to play with friends on PC/Stream, PS4, XBox, And Nintendo Switch. With a growing list...
Does DCUO support PlayStation players changing their PSN account names? Will players lose any game saved data or memb purchased add one they have...
Mental need's some rework done it's superchargers are not worth it. Long over due
Dev's Please make mental's pain blast and sleep exclusively out from just being used in the invisible ability list and able to be use outside that...
New Players should stay in there lane and take their time to get to end game level. You wanting to get max sp in a day is the very problem whyv...
Lol where the hell is my Troll be gone
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