Obviously, this whole concept and story won’t come to fruition until next year and a lot of people been speculating and hinting out what they think...
I bought the marketplace coins that give you 1000 and it went through my bank and everything, but I never received the coins on the actual game. Does...
Ahh ok perfect thank you all have a marvelous day :)
I won’t make it to this day in time how will I ever receive this item to come pass ?
That’s a start I’ll take it blue lantern things next please :)
Will we see a 2x or 3x for the new currency
Will they’re ever be a double or triple mark for the new currency the connies coins especially with new boss coming would be awesome opportunity :)
My characters legs be tired of all the running I just need teleporter lol scratch that just make new movement mode teleportation :)
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