H How much for all that? :) I wanna know how much money to save to buy all those laid items.
So I changed my load out again and been running content left and right at cr 226 I was able to compete with those of higher cr. 1. Relentless Anger...
That's true I forgot about those.
Thanks for your support.
I have a kryptonian theme toon and using heat vision due to the solar artifact and it rocks. I would like the idea if there would be more artifacts...
WM DW into Bow Flurry
Do you have any ideas how that would work? How are you going to use brawling or any action animation on a broomstick? Skimming worked because its...
This isn't the thread and sorry for hijacking it but can we get an artifact for power combos too i.e celestial, atomic, water, rage.
Ah, thank you. That is more understandable lol
Ah! That makes sense now. Thank you. You can but if you havent unlocked the feat yet you can't buy the artifact on the quark vendor. Trust me I...
I understand that but in Elite Olympus I popped Redirected Rage and as soon as I did, it was gone whereas adds or hell even Zeus none 1 shot...
Not a DCUO per say but a super hero game not tied to licensing companies like DC Comics. Something like City of Heroes but on a multiplatform.
It's a good thing I made this thread because I need a better explanation lol
I'm new to getting that new precision artifact feat but can anyone tell me all the items one needs in order to complete the feat. All 10 please....
Separate names with a comma.