I love the new Mushroom base pet and I think he is a great addition to the base pets category. Unfortunately there is a weird interaction he has when...
Either I missed something or breaking healer shields as a dps is normal. Has there been some change to how 4man healer shields perform these days?
I noticed Sorcery 4-man healer shields do not overwrite other 4-man healer shields. I first noticed it with the Clarion artifact. I would proc...
Similar materials to the Burnished Bronze we already have. It's by far my favorite material to date that you guys created. Love the unique texture on...
Please change it.
No one in the entire run can choke on the flowers that appear in the New Genesis part of the run. You will notice you are in the New Genesis part...
What about Trinket only vault items? OMAC Trinket, Phantom Zone Kryptonite Chunk, Prize Pumpkin (Halloween Seasonal), Durable Fruitcake (Christmas...
I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm a huge fan of the Magnetic Neon Chroma. This is what the Metallic Chroma's should of been. I love how the...
Can confirm this seems to be isolated to Celestial as other group heals act as intended with PoD.
Separate names with a comma.