Can you give any insight into the expected scale of the homecoming event? I assume it’s a standard sized seasonal (outdoor activity and 4 man...
As someone who is a DC first guy at all times, I was looking forward to it. I’ll always keep a toe in the water in DCUO, but also it’s an almost...
I wasn’t a fan of the 3 part episodes they used to have, and not a fan of longer story arcs in the game in general for the exact reason I hate Metal....
I came back a few months ago and really enjoyed some of the stuff that released since I left and then Episode 42 hit and I was just really...
I purely use league halls to test loadouts, there is no other reason to go to them.
This is my favorite game of all time by a mile. I met a lot of great people who I would consider friends, met my wife and had a kid as a direct...
I’m surprised he had a character model built. Out of curiosity do you know where he was supposed to show up? Given that the fractured future...
I’ve been requesting something like this for years. It helps everyone involved. Players looking for leagues and leagues looking for players. Having...
I mentioned previously, but I’m very underwhelmed with it. I really only “enjoy” the duo. The alert just isn’t good and really has one fight worth...
FOS 2 I think is the best designed raid we’ve ever gotten from top to bottom. At launch, it was difficult and had a ton of mechanics that required...
He shows up in 41 as the boss you fight to unlock Allies. So he does show up, if only briefly
I don’t find the game to be too much of a grind at all. I spent years away from the game, popping in now and then just to kind of do it. I’d say...
Part of the issue with having such a casual game combined with a very player friendly path to raising your CR is that bad players reach endgame...
On the whole, a lot of positive changes. I think that the game was largely directionless from 2012 to 2017 with a ton of experimenting that seems to...
1. As others have said, a shared wallet. I have a few hundred million on alts from years ago that I’d like my main to have. Plus, it would be nice if...
Separate names with a comma.