So, when is the bonus artifact XP weekend?
So, why do you play exactly?
My bad, My bad, I completely misread your post.
Working their socks off? Sitting somewhere pushing buttons. You guys are like the middle child. Nothing's fair.
Wrong thread but please make the new vendor materials account bound!! Pretty please?
Thank you for the awesome rewards! I logged on without reading this update and thought I had to choose ONE Chroma, then they all popped up! I was...
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned but power based henchmen would be cool. Not just color scheme but different henchmen as well. I would...
Ideas for the economy: Option 1 - Reset all cash to zero and increase the amount of money you receive in game by a large amount. The more you play,...
Did you open them all in a row? I've had success with drops when I logout and back in. I'm not sure if it actually did anything or I got lucky. I...
Please look at the forum thread that asks what styles we want. Enough hawk and Batman styles! There are so many styles we asked for! Whoever is in...
Especially when you consider how much money it would take to get enough quarks for the void.
I tried on Vestments of Rage style. It should have at least looked right with that one style.
Separate names with a comma.