Anyone got the same problem, or is it just me?
It's been a while since we got one. Recently we mostly got some double currency/spotlight weeks (which is nice). Would it be possible that we got a...
Oh that's so nice, been farming across my alts for just a few days, haven't dropped yet so far. Hope that it drops in the coming few days.
Wanted to find one on market place last week, didn't see any, might check it again later. Where exactly does it drop tho, the swap thing...
My apology :(
Is this aura 2016 spring exclusive? Been waiting for the spring event for it, but it doesn't drop/sold anywhere.
If this happens they would need other sources of money. Like allies and artifact, the business model is more or less the same. Say if artifact is...
A fifth color slot would be more desirable than material:) for me
This is happening more than ever today, for me at least (around 4-5 times). Every time happens when we queued and loading into the game. Same...
Would Mercy art be a good alternative for grim if PI is an issue? Got the PI interaction, shorter pet cooldown, mid-range AOE, the Combat...
Indeed:(not sure why this one can't have emblem. I thought about the geometry limitation, but divine chest style actually got similar geometry...
Separate names with a comma.