That is the silliest thing I heard, they made form changes a super because they didn’t want pple to rely on them? Then they turn it into a super to...
Why was nature form changes turned into supers in the first place? Wolf bug and dog they were normal abilities why did they get turned into supers?
As an end game player and maining multiple roles I’m not upset for changing the eog artifact. Just a little concerned on why the changes are...
instead of there being a godwave trait can the pets just get the buff while source shard is active? there are too many artifacts and too many powers...
last boss is bugged Red Death teleports into the wall and I can't defeat him at all any work arounds?
Or you can just support this idea seeing as though it really isnt asking for much.
I'd love to see a little pvp love
Can this happen please? Along with 50% off gear once main has the full set? I know pvp doesnt really get looked at but I dont think this is asking...
I don't understand why heals cant be just heals why do allies need to be by targets to receive the heal? Just makes sorc healing situational which...
Thank you for this and that's the issue with alot of powers in dc most of them aren't competitive or able to be used in top tier or skilled content...
Why do you think that?
PvP Honestly never really paid attention to the amount of grind there really is in grinding pvp gear. i just grind but after the release of the cr...
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