All in the same sinking boat then...
Please enlight us, what's the Tank role in a group now? Before: Debuffs were common, and tanks cleansed them. Tanks had a chance to survive vs...
You forgot that we lost the 60% health buff. It was the BIGGEST contribution to health ( almost +17k with current PvP stats ). Did rage lose their...
This made my day. So supportive, and then you do the same that us who are against GU41 do - do not play PvP. You are not even specced in PvP!...
Skill includes the ability to min-max everything you have access to, as it was with Season 2, where you had many things to choose: Roles -...
The apps are not working to check it myself, but I have to guess, no fire tanks AGAIN? In the whole world?
Thank you for destroing roles in PvP. Tanks get around 3k extra HP ( WOW! With 28k base health, it is a HUUUGE difference! ) A leaguemate is healer...
While we can't test things, we still have a lot of value to add, for example I have been quoted for this and past GUs, while writing in threads...
The point is, you're doing well now. No need to change what's good and make it worse. Try to do the same when GU41 goes live.
I am a great advocate for support roles in PvP in my league, but after these changes, I'll have to realize that my effort was useless.
No dps can destroy a group with a tank, heal and troll with just a block break + WM as now, tanks have very high survivability when coupled with...
The choice is between increased queue times, and no queue at all. I prefer the former. BTW, which role are you in Arenas? Up now every role can...
They can: read my edit, a simple option will allow both rules to exist.
Separate names with a comma.