Changing the color of powers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Critical Massacre, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I’d really love to see new powers especially all the varying lanterns but the reality is the amount of work they have to put into new powers doesn’t payout financially compared to focusing on episodes. Therefore, a way to bring a freshness into the DCUO without having to put in massive development would be allowing the change of color in powers. I know this isn’t a new thought, and I don’t know in what ways this is problematic for developers, but one way to solve color customization problems is just to sell color tokens. So the devs custom power colors like, blue lantern, green fire, or black ice and then sell the tokens for purchase. This ensures no one does anything crazy that affects gameplay, but you’re still able to have more customization to you characters. I would imagine they’d sell well with very minimum developer work.
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  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Double powers would be cool too. They could make a story where we stumble upon something that allows us to access 2 or more skillsets.

    They would have to keep the support roles in the same family though, I imagine. A red lantern with fire powers. A sorcerer with celestial gifts etc etc.

    Since we're limited by loadout space anyway... they might be able to get away with it without completely breaking the game. It would definitely add to to the customization.
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  3. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    The truth is that after 10 years of seeing the same thing, I would pay for an aesthetic renovation of the powers, in other games they do it a lot and in quite a lot, for example, the spring event is coming, and certain powers are selected for a token aesthetic according to the event, I think it is viable, and very ingenious to do it according to a special event...
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  4. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    Now that I remember it, the iconic solid shield is connected to our color palette without any problem, well, I think that even the character's custom colors would continue to weigh more than custom powers, that weight in virtual memory is still insignificant
  5. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Well certain powers wouldn’t matter at all like munitions or gadgets but fire, ice, water, and lantern would practically make new looking powers. I mean you can make a blue lantern in the game with shield, suit, and aura but your ring and actual powers are still gonna be green, red, or yellow. The devs having control of the color change could manage any color problems. Like maybe the wouldn’t want you to have a yellow lantern be able to change to green or something but that’s for them to answer.
  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Munitions alternate skin would be nifty. I have a pirate, & he doesn’t need tech. Id like to see Biggun as a Cannon, etc
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  7. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    IDK about the other powers, but the main problem with getting this feature for the Lantern powers is DC/WB approving it. I'd love for this to be a thing, though, especially since I have several Lantern characters. It not being done might just be them not getting around to it and prioritizing other stuff. Powers with different elements of them having different colors may be a factor, too (though I guess they could just do those as you picking a pair of colors). As in like how electric has yellow for combat and blue for healing or how light and celestial have different colors depending on faction (celestial loadouts have the same color and type - divine or cursed - regardless of faction but things like hand blast weapon attacks have colors based on faction, so I'm counting it). IDK, though, this is all pure speculation (aside from the Lantern stuff needing DC/WB to approve it, that part's just copyright/trademark and business stuff).
  8. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    I don't think so, since you're imagining a very drastic change, for example, when you think about flashlight powers, it's just changing the tones a bit, with darker and colder or lighter and warmer options, in addition to the different and subtle types of green... The water is the same, personally I imagine a more bluish and darker water, like the deep sea, and another change of color that may also be available would be, that typical greenish turquoise water, which is so beautiful always seen in tropical landscapes...

    The ice, wow, definitely has to have an ice option as pure snow, and as a more bluish ice... Anyway, I think that the developers, they can limit the color change of the powers in a specific spectrum, I mean , the players can change the colors yes, but within a certain range that goes from #4rfff to #445 (it is just an example) and thus the color change would be within the limits, so as not to go, for example, from green to yellow, or from green to blue....
  9. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I’d love the new lantern powers too, but I just don’t ever seeing it happening. It’s been a reeeaallly long time since we’ve had a new power. I think they are over that aspect of the game. For me the different powers are what keeps the game fresh especially if you’re stuck playing the same content over and over again. At least new looking powers is something to keep me interested.
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m regards to power color changes a dev did say that it’s something they thought about but first they’d have to work with shaders to make sure nothing goes wrong.

    Also they have to think about lanterns too. They have limitations to what there are allowed to do because of the licensing. A power like fire wouldn’t be to hard to do because fire comes in all sort of colors. But lanterns are based on specific comic elements so they may not be allowed to change the color. This could potentially mean that some powers would be allowed to change their color while others don’t.

    And I am where aware that there are different lanterns so they could easily allow them to change colors to other lantern colors. However, not all lanterns function the same so this goes back to permission. Would they be allowed to let players to use blue lantern constructs even thou that isn’t normally possible. What about the lore of the orange lanterns and there only being 1?

    This isn’t a game like other games where they own the rights to their creations so they can change things at will. Dcuo does need permission to use some aspects or even change things.
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  11. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Thanks for the input I didn’t know all that. Kinda sucks DC is so stingy with a game that promotes their product. You would think that since the game already has the characters in the game there wouldn’t be an issue with being able to play them.
  12. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Still waiting for it and would love it. I think when the team can fill up with these positions I can see many things happening sadly atm our Boys/ladies are a small group doing what they can.
  13. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    Exactly, the elemental powers are very open to different and creative changes. Personally, regarding the limitation of flashlight power, I think differently, instead of "they have to think about it", I think that the most appropriate and beneficial thing for the majority, is to stop thinking about it so much, I have seen recurrently and tiresomely, when talking about any topic regarding flashlights, repeatedly remember their limitation to changes in the game (let's clarify anyway, that nobody has confirmed if the changes of tones or nuances also need permission, anyway.../we don't know exactly either, what degree of limitation does it really have.) By this I mean that this invisible obstacle that this power possesses and that is usually named each time, is only particular to this set of powers, only one. There are 14 beautiful powers that have nothing to do with this limitation, nor do they seem to me to be inferior or secondary so as not to give them a little attention, It might sound selfish if I said that it really does not matter if the flashlight is not suitable for changes and that do not receive a visual refreshment, that possibility is lost. The truth is that I find it a limitation that those who have this power must accept and understand, since really in essence and in concept it cannot change just like that, it is a conceptual limitation that the user accepts and when you choose to keep this power, nothing else can be expected. It is the opposite of more flexible powers like water, Plant, technology, which exist so much variety of appearance to represent them and in fact it is the opposite of all the others. What would really be selfish is that for 1 impediment with a power, 14 other powers lose the opportunity to receive a visual change, or color, or customization, after a decade or several years of looking the same, the benefit is for majority, and it is not just any or banal benefit, it is quite important for the players and the game itself, The advantages infinitely outweigh that small disadvantage, which I repeat, I wish it did not exist, or I hope they think of another alternative because there are so many (example, change the effects of molecules, make them more attractive, what do I know).

    In conclusion, I'm with Electrico, the one who handles Water, The one who occupies Sorcery, The Earth one, Quantum one, Technology, Grass, Ice, Fire, Atomic, Celestial, Mental, Ammunition and Rage, we can even add to precision, which would obviously be easier because it already has a degree of customization... To obtain a visual update, which has been requested for years!
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not really about being stingy. It’s about the game having to follow the lore set by the source. For example. Green lanterns have green abilities. Green lanterns can’t all of a sudden become blue without external sources of a blue ring. Even how they act is different. Green lanterns are heroes and yellow are villains with red lanterns being somewhat of an in between. Blue lanterns don’t typically use constructs and instead buff other green lanterns. Other lanterns have their style of attacks too. From my understanding the indigo tribe use mostly projectiles and not actual constructs. Sapphire lanterns have jagged constructs from what I remember. So it’s not about being stingy. It’s about the game following the rules set by the comics itself. Making changes for a game would just separate them from the source.
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  15. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    The last thing this game needs is more microtransactions, changing the color of your power should not cost money it should just be like changing a color in your color pallet. Champions online has had this for years, its long overdue in DCUO imo.
  16. Casey Jaymz Active Player

    I'm looking to either make a 320 skipped electric precision based DPS hero or switch my main which is an elec might base DPS.
    I also have an alt that's at 257 that's electric dual wield, I can skip as well if needed.
    My main has 403 SP. 200 Trans, 200 Strat Card. 187 Solar Amp, 161 Grim, 100 M.E.R.C.Y! Weapon is 2-Handed Movement is Superspeed!
    What option would be best?
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Having a gadgets hero and villain, it’d be really cool if I could change my villain’s gadgets colour to red or something to differentiate her more.
  18. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, it would also help match characters' color schemes and aesthetics better. I have several gadgets toons with red in their color schemes, too. And other colors that aren't blue. Plus, being able to change the colors could help make our own little stand-ins for powers not "officially" in the game. Like making fire green so it can be phosphorous or something or imitate Starfire's green starbolts. Or making ice look like gems and minerals or something. Or make nature powers season related colors for personified season type characters.
  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's the nature of any licensed property, really. Any company worth their salt is going to take whatever steps they feel are necessary to watch over their properties when they license them. I saw the same kinds of things happen while playing Star Wars Galaxies, with edicts from LucasArts causing more than a few frustrations with the players when requests would come up.
  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    So just to start with, it's about 3:30 in the morning when I'm writing this, so if I misinterpret anything in your post I'm gonna blame it on that. :D That being said, it kinda sounds like you're making the "they should just do it for most of the powers and leave out the ones that are going to cause problems" argument when it comes to power set recoloring.


    For one, I've seen the headaches that can come from having different rules for one profession/power set while all others don't have to deal with those rules, and it's an easily avoidable headache. For another? We have a situation where some of those powers that probably would be excluded HAVE to be paid for to access them. I don't see it going over well that powers that are free could recolor when something that has to be paid for can't.

    Any sort of power recoloring should be an "all or nothing" situation. Everyone should be able to do it. If everyone can't, for whatever reason? Don't do it.
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