Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Dene Devoted Player

    Agreed, it is not your is the Devs/Daybreak's job and they made their decision based on their knowledge, needs & wants - they know who is running what , how much and when etc -you are basing it on your personal needs and i get that, i really do, but the devs need to look at everyone's game experience not just mine or yours

    A fair few players are at end game.. they have the styles.. the investigations/briefings..all tthe extra bits they recently added that Ihey want.. the only reason they are doing old stuff is for source marks.. the reason devs added source marks is so end game players play the old stuff and new players are not left floundering and not left with instances where ppl like us arent just barrelling through and making it all insanely boring for new ppl

    What we need is 2 things.. a way new players can play with actual other players that wont be boring and a way everyone can get sorely needed source marks.. esp now since they are no longer just needed for mainframe stuff

    The Devs prob had a few things in mind but settled on this..
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  2. Sst blazer New Player

    Plain and simple clamp makes gear null and void for most part why spend days getting to 350+ when the game just laughs and says uhhh no ur time was wasted ur only allowed lvl 70 in this alert, gear now is just basically a key to do more content n that's about as far as it goes, might as well just get rid of gear all together, getting gear/ high cr is nothing more than bragging rights
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    See, that "as intended" bit can be tricky because it can be taken different ways.

    For those arguing for unclamped, "as intended" means how it was, where someone can bulldoze through content like a hot knife through butter with little to no effort. But "as intended" can also mean (particularly in group content) going through the content with a group of people at or around the same level as you, being able to fully engage and participate in the fights.

    In addition, the intentions can change. While it was the intention to allow players to bulldoze the old content in the past, that's not the case anymore with the clamp being in place. That's why I ended my first post in this thread with the line "The days of facerolling old content to get feats are done." Whatever the intentions of the past were, the intention now is that higher CR players have to put in at least some effort for feats.
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  4. Sst blazer New Player

    Than they need to strip all feats gotten by ppl b4 thae clamp n make them earn it like everyone else is having to now, they do that bet alot not all but alot of the "pro clamp" ppl change their attitude real quick
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  5. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    So don't bother rising to the higher level content whatsoever when it releases, right?

    Damn, 11 years of "go ape" really warped the minds of so many people for no reason when they were finally told to cool the jets and let others engage beyond "hold forward through empty hallways while watching videos".

    Because, you know, the only people who play this game are people at endgame already and anyone still gearing is meant to stand back and applaud your overpowered nature as you essentially kick puppies while smoking an expensive cigar as you traipse along through content 3 tiers or lower to search the bodies for something you didn't get before.

    Don't get me wrong that some people may enjoy that kind of carry, but that's a fair minority who'll eventually end up being that extremely worthless person in the raid that thinks they can slack off while 7 other people do 99% of the work for them (if they aren't the ones triggering 1 shot or instensifying mechanics multiple times back to back), making you then wait for a replacement that you can't get rid of for 3 hours.
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  6. the solowing Steadfast Player

    Fk um. A friendship lost over a in-game feature isnt a friendship worth having c:
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You see how this stat clamp has divided us. Just look at all the vitriol here in just this thread alone. I had known my former friend since 2015. I thought we were close. This topic brings out the worst in us. I no longer offer an opinion about it with my league mates or other friends. It just isn't worth the drama. Needless to say, my former friend was very pro clamp. And it was him who told me to eff off and broke our friendship. It hurts still. It hurt a lot. I will not ever like the stat clamp. I understand that it is with us for now on with a low likely hood of it going away; just a tweak maybe here or there. But I will never like it for what it has already cost me.

    I will exercise my stat clamp choice by sticking to end game only.
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  8. the solowing Steadfast Player

    I wouldnt mind that, but you would.
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  9. the solowing Steadfast Player

    You didnt lose anything worth anything
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  10. the solowing Steadfast Player

    Oh you know ima nag you to run with me on your alt xD
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  11. the solowing Steadfast Player

    If you want to throw the ToS out there, youself, Yass Queen, Catastroflare, and myself would be eating suspensions right now. So lets not look a gift horse in the mouth.
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Oh no, what have I unleashed? Lol
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  13. the solowing Steadfast Player

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  14. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    According to his response, a clean burning hell at the very least.

    So you don't have to snort coal and fumes for eternity I tell you hwat.
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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    ~Prepares vegetables & beef shish kebabs for grilling~
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  16. the solowing Steadfast Player

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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry....I should have thrown that in quotes....I agree, 'as intended' is a loose term, and can change...yet I believe pro and anti clampers have their own opinions on that....therein lies the argument.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are 100% right....those apes should not have been with the kittens who just got off the ship. Guess what, they still are with them...the kittens are still being carried or crushed by the apes.... just now the apes are wearing a nerf suit. Gee....maybe we should start up a discussion on how there would be a way to keep the apes away from the kittens? Some......OPTIONS....maybe? Nah, that's crazy. Why would anyone want to do that?

    Much better to have those same people who would have just held forward through empty hallways NOW have to hold forward while going pew-pew-pew, getting killed...or standing outside the door because they spawned in after a few people left. Sooooo much more of an accomplishment and feeling of participation, amiright? I had a low level alt I wanted the omni boxes on this last week. Ran my alert AND raid and came in on LB and was locked outside on both (DR and Prime). After what seemed like 10 min in DR, yippie loot!...0 shots thrown, after what I KNOW was 15 min in Prime...yippie more loot! with 0 shots thrown(there were 2 of us out there). That toon now feels sooooo much more accomplished for having completed those runs (even picked up the briefs in prime because someone asked for help with the 3 cog one).

    BTW...Before anyone says're damn right I wasn't going to leave because I wasn't 'earning' that loot. Sorry Charlie, I don't make the systems, I just live in them. If the door is locked, I'll sit outside and clean inventory or shout YOU CAN DO IT! through the wall.
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  19. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    I can't see any reason to be allowed to run content unclamped/unsynced in the first place. I didn't see a reason when Tier 6 became a thing to continue allowing it back in the day, and I don't see a reason now to go back to it either.

    Back then was rife with a whole lot of people who treated it like a single player game with 4-7 allied NPCs, and god forbid if you were gearing damage and got unlucky to queue with 3 overgeared people in an alert who rendered your at level existence moot because someone switches to damage for no other reason than to leave faster, but also would vote to kick you if you chose to not run along while they already basically ignored you from the get go.

    If there even was a pros and cons for sync vs unsync, what can you really put down under pros for keeping it with valid excuse vs leaving it in the dust? You can leave queues faster? You can flex in front of a bunch of people gearing up? (aka: pointless ego stroking)

    You don't rely on other people in group content unless the instance forces you to? (see Fortress 2 with Lex and SM split pathing)

    I don't see what the "good" of being unsynced is except to stroke your ego to the max for no reason. If there is one beyond "I don't have time to play games, so I want to burn down everything in 5 minutes.", then explain it to me. Because "I played it 500x synced" is a horrible argument since every game has a grind somewhere that you repeat ad nauseum that isn't alleviated by "play it 500 more times but faster".
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ah, yes...the eventual proposal that I...or anyone who wanted to blow stuff up a crap about anyone else seeing their massive damage. A) I think you are projecting...B) not a least not for many of us. The scoreboard means extremely little to many people...with the only number I personally care about being the timer in the upper right hand corner. The lower that is, the happier I am. Guess what....that's true of almost endgame OR clamped content.

    Yes...all those shouts in LFG over the last 2-3 years of "need # to queue into X...THEN YOU CAN LEAVE" were really shouts of "need # to queue into X...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE....PLEASE WATCH ME BURN STUFF". It just looked the other way around. Maybe it was the 60 char limit forcing them to change what they really meant.

    Have you noticed that people in clamped runs AREN'T still listed on a scoreboard? Cause in the runs I've been in....while checking the timer....I still see scores there. Granted it's maybe 1 mil vs 10 mil....but yeah, there's still a scoreboard to 'flex' on so you can 'stroke your ego'. So how exactly did the clamp fix that issue? Oh, didn't really. Smaller numbers are still numbers...aren't they?

    And as far as me, I don't WANT to re run most of that old content. I DID occasionally do it before the clamp to get something I wanted like a base drop, or help someone with a feat (I did that a LOT actually), but I did that because it was quick and could be done with a limited staff (you know....less randoms=less failure), now it's not worth the time. I also didn't say I played anything 500x synced....I played that old stuff AT LEVEL when it was new (starting around OC or Trigon), so no....I didn't need to play it synced and likely wouldn't run it 500 more times unclamped either. I'd run it another 5 or so times a year as someone needed me in it to HELP them. Now I'll run it 0 times in most cases unless Omni puts me into DD or FOS3 or whatever...or I go in with a full group...or queue in at the LB door. And believe me....any Omni run I can get out of where my score is 0 because I'm locked out....those are the BEST ones! So yeah...your scoreboard 'flex' theory is spot on.

    I really don't have a dog in this fight....I had stopped posting on it, not even sure how I got myself sucked back into the discussion. The clamp is just fine....if you know how to work it. For those that don't know how to work it, welp....they likely didn't know pre clamp either, but I guess it sucks to be them. The people who are just getting here....well, I guess they need to learn quickly...I hope you guys are fine with teaching them now, I won't be there to help as I would have in the past. I'll be running my 3 solo Omnis or killing bounties in OW before running the new content. Enjoy!
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